Chapter 53

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Her eyes closed unconsciously as she felt herself being lifted in someone's warm embrace. Her body was too exhausted to move, so she just let herself be carried.

She heard mummers and whispers as the person moved, she couldn't care to listen what they were taking about, all she wanted to do was just sleep.

She heard a door being opened and then closed, along with the sound of the water running with amazing scents in the bathroom.

She felt herself being put in the tub with her back against said persons chest.

She sighed, satisfied. Her whole body relaxed in the warm water, so relaxed that she started slipping deeper in the water.

Out of all of them, Angel was probably the roughest, Jonathan and Eliot being being slow and gentle, kissing her sweetly every couple seconds.

Jonathan held her hips under the water, not letting her head slip in the water, he let her body go under the water except her head.

He just held her as she soaked the warmth of the water, scooping water with his palm and setting it on  her hair.

He grabbed the loofah and squirted body wash on it, wetting it, he then started washing her body gently, making sure every part of her tense body relaxed.

He washed softly between her legs, feeling her flinch, her pussy was sore and hot, so he made sure to be extra gentle.

He washed her hair, shampooed and conditioned. He ran his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp and the nape of her neck.

After everything was done he lifted her and immediately wrapped a towel around her, drying her and slipping on a soft white button down of his.

He quickly dried himself and lifted her into his arms, grabbing the bottle of  lotion and her hairbrush.

He left the bathroom, seeing Angel and Eliot putting on the bed covers and Hades folding her clothes.

He lied her down on the clean sheets, putting her head on the pillow and lifting her feet on his lap, he squirted lotion on his hands and started massaging her feet.

He massaged all the way to her thighs, then brushing her hair and doing her night routine, wiping the products with a warm facecloth.

Theo entered the room, a tray in his hand, two ham and cheese sandwiches with two chocolate cupcakes and two chocolate chip cookies with a glass of water and a glass of homemade orange juice.

Eliot went beside her, lifting her into his lap, supporting her head with her back lying on his tattooed chest.

"Come on love, you need to eat something." He whispered in her ear.

Nevaeh slowly opened her eyes, she was feeling hungry after all what happened.

Theo sat the try down on the bed, taking half of the sandwich and lifting it to her mouth, she bit into it, chewing with satisfaction.

This continued, him feeding her while Eliot held up the glass containing the juice.

She was more awake by the time it came for the sweets, her eyes fully open and her body energized.

She took a cookie, happily munching on it. She threw Theo a grateful smile while taking the other cookie.

They were all watching her with soft smiles on their faces before Angel and Jonathan went to put the dirty laundry in the washer.

She offered them the cupcakes but they refused, telling her that it's for her and they'll get some if they want to.

She shrugged and ate them, sighing happily now that she's full. She washed them down with water since she finished the juice and kissed the men on their cheeks.

Eliot picked her up and took her to the bathroom, setting her on the cool marble counter and setting her toothbrush then putting toothpaste on.

He handed her the brush and then they brushed their teeth together before they finally went to bed.

Her body melted on the soft sheets and as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light.

Nevaeh groggily opened her eyes as the sun hit them. She went to turn over but paused mid move when she felt her whole body tense.

Her body ached everywhere, from her neck to between her thighs. She was sore there, so sore she wasn't sure she could move.

She tried tho, and after a couple curses and hisses she was finally able to get off the bed. It was hard, but she managed.

The side of the bed was warm, meaning it wasn't too long that Eliot had woken up.

She wobbled her way to the bathroom and did her morning routine, tho it took more time than usual.

After that she started making her way down the stairs, she neared the kitchen and went ahead to enter when she heard them speaking.

"We need to take care of Joe." Hades stated, leaning on the kitchen counter.

Her blood froze. Her whole body did. But their are a lot of Joes in the world, it doesn't mean it has to be him, it's probably a coincidence,


"Who the fuck is Joe now?" Theo sighed, annoyance lacing his voice.

"Joe Mickelson, he's been causing us problems-" Jonathan answered.

Nevaeh's heart dropped to her feet, the ringing in her ears started and she couldn't hear what Jonathan said next.

Her stomach flipped, and before she knew it she felt her legs run to the nearest bathroom.

The men paused what they were doing and talking about once they heard a door slam.

It took them a couple seconds to register that it was the door to the downstairs bathroom.

They sprung to their feet, running there.

Nevaeh dropped to her knees as she threw up, holding her stomach in pain while hot tears rolled down her cold pale cheeks.

Angel slammed the door open, freezing when he saw her puking her guts out.

Hades pushed them aside, crouching down beside her and gathering her hair in his hand, removing her hair from her face.

She dropped her head on her arm and chocked on a sob, her heart squeezed painfully as she recalled his name in her mind.

It wasn't a random Joe, it was him, that Joe, it wasn't a coincidence, and that was what hurt her.

Her body dropped against his,

And for the fist time in her life after meeting them, she cried her heart out.

She cried and cried till she passed out, with her old fear unlocking,

Once again.

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