Chapter 44

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"I'm telling you! It's her!" The man exclaimed, running his hand through his dark brown hair in frustration

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"I'm telling you! It's her!" The man exclaimed, running his hand through his dark brown hair in frustration.

"What if it's not?!" His younger brother replied back, just as annoyed as he is.

"She does look like her, but we need proof." The third one said intervened.

The three brothers continued arguing while the youngest sat looking at them, then looking at his father, his blank face not giving away a thought.

He kept staring at the photo in his hand, his hands slightly shaking as he touched the girls face, wishing he could do that in real life.

He might have a chance to do so, and he won't let that chance go.

He lost her once, but not again.

The constant yelling of his sons was beginning to annoy him, they were getting on his fucking nerves. His hands gripped the photo tighter, his jaw clenched tightly.

The constant yelling and arguing was distracting him, as well as making him lose his brain cells. They were getting louder by each passing second.

He just couldn't keep his anger at bay.

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!" He yelled, his loud voice booming and echoing inside the spacious office.


Nothing could be heard but silence, complete and utter silence. Not one of them spoke, holding their breaths as their father started blankly at the wall ahead of him, his blood boiling from the inside.

His hand still clutching the photo frame. His eyes glossed over as he looked at it.

He sighed as he entered his house, finally feeling the stress of the day getting off his chest, his tense shoulders relaxing as he smelled the smell of his home

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He sighed as he entered his house, finally feeling the stress of the day getting off his chest, his tense shoulders relaxing as he smelled the smell of his home.

His home.

He'd never thought that he'd have a place to call home, a family of his own, a wife and kids. He never thought that someday he'd get married, he felt at home with his parents, but he never actually thought he'd start his own family.

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