Chapter 40

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The heavy rain pounded against the big window, giving a beautiful yet scary view of the vast land outside the big homey mansion, the large rows of tress seemed to never end, each tree swaying from side to side, hitting each other.

The window would shake every now and then, scary noises from the strong wind would reach her small and naive ears, making her tighten her hold on her stuffy.

The little girl was few seconds away from bursting into tears, her small soft body shook horribly as she scrambled to get out of her warm empty bed, hurrying to find comfort in someone's arms, anywhere but to stay here alone, by herself.

Her sock covered feet hit the warm carpet, and with a tight hold of her stuffy, she dashed for the door,


Another loud thunder shook the window, along with the small girls body, tears were threatening to spill any second,

She had to hurry.

She stood on her tippy toes as she quickly touched the cold door knob, she opened the door quietly yet hurriedly at the same time, and with that she started looking around for someone, anyone.


Her small chest heaved up and down, she kept looking around, but every door she looked at seemed more scarier than the other, not to add no light was seen under the doors,

She didn't want to disturb them, but it meant only thing, and she might have one solution. 

With quick yet shaky steps, she made her way to the place were she was ninety percent sure she'd find someone,

And she was right.

The big wooden door was left a crack open, faint light could be seen, and a relived breath escaped her pouty lips.

With her small feet, she padded towards the big office door, looking through the crack to see her hero sitting behind his desk.

She opened the door a bit more and slipped through, the man looked up through his pile of papers, a smile taking over his face when his eyes landed on the small girl.

"Daddy!" The girl whispered shakily, fastening her steps to reach her father.

The man was immediately concerned after seeing his daughter's tears.

"What's wrong baby?" He opened his arms, his little girl jumping in them and wrapping his small arms around his big arm.

He wrapped his arms around her, his work long forgotten, it could wait, she was more important.

Her little sniffles broke his cold heart, "I-I'm scared d-daddy!" She mumbled with a shaky voice, and as soon as she finished her sentence another loud thunder shook the windows.

Her body shook as she let out more little sniffles, but the man just chuckled, "Its okay baby, their is noting to be afraid of." He kissed her head and hugged her closer.

"How about some candy?" He whispered with a grin on his face, the little girl looked up at her father with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Really?!" She asked excitedly, her eyes sparkling with her hands clasped together.

"Really." He nodded seriously, "But." He held his finger up, "You can't tell mommy, or she'll be mad at us and then we won't get candy anymore." He said with a frown on his face, but his eyes were filled with mischief.

"I won't tell mommy." She whispered. Feeling giddy at the thought of getting candy.

He smiled and kissed her soft chubby cheek, then opened his drawer that was filled with different types of chocolates and sweets, the little girl nearly squealed at the sight of the colorful drawer, but she refrained herself in fear her mother would hear her.

The man picked his daughters favorite chocolate bar and opened it for her, then held it up in front of her.

A big grin spread across her face, and she excitedly took a bite of the heavenly goodness. Her eyes twinkled with happiness as she took her first bite.

"Thank you daddy!" She said and gave her dad a kiss on the cheek.

"You're welcome baby." He ruffled her hair while taking a bite out of his own chocolate bar.

They ate their sweets in silence while he did paperwork, his daughter sat on his lap munching happily on her candy.

They finished their sweets and sat in silence while the little girl lied her head on her fathers chest, and after a while she was starting to feel drowsy and sleepy, her excitement and energy dying down.

But, she wanted to ask her father an important question.

"Daddy?" She called out.

"Hmm?" He hummed as he diverted his eyes to his daughter.

"Will you ever leave me?" She looked up at him, her colored eyes that matched his own were filled with hope and certainty, along with slight tears.

She felt utter sadness at the thought of being away from her dad, she never wanted to leave him, she wanted to be with him forever.

His heart beat sped up at her question, it might seem innocent, but it's dangerous question that holds fear and uncertainty.

The man gulped as he rubbed his daughter's soft cheek lovingly.

"I'll never leave you baby. How can I live without my princess?" He frowned at the thought.

She nodded along, "How will I live without you too daddy?" Tears brimmed her eyes as she thought about a life without her dad in it.

It hurt her, him too, more than they could've imagined.

"Do you promise?" She looked up at him, her lips trembled in fear that her dad will leave her some day.

Her dad kissed her cheeks, while hugging her close to his chest.

"I promise." He closed his eyes as he said those words, not knowing of the ugly monsters lurking in the dark.

He promised,

But, promises are made to be broken.

But, promises are made to be broken

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