2 The Ongoing Journey.

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The sun is shining brightly in the torrent region at the new celestial city . The breeze was relaxing and the sound of it was refreshing. Different types of Pokémon are playing all around the forest. The chirping of different flying type Pokémon's was also a delight adding to the peaceful atmosphere.

In the middle of the forest there was a young trainer who was training his Pokémons. He was preparing for the battle of his life against his most hated rival. He never hated any of his rivals but this one was different. He could not tolerate this guy because he treats his Pokémons like slaves and he would enjoy beating him and showing him the error of his ways.

In the background watching him were his friends and travelling companions. They watch with interest and admiration for the girl part. They have watched him since this morning training his Pokémons like a wild man. They know that he would need rest but for them he is like a wild man. They know that he would need all the training he gets in order to beat Paul and it seems he knew that as well.

"Hey Brock, I think we should ask Ash to rest for a while. He has been training for a while now and I think he needs his rest." The brown haired girl said.

"Yeah I think you're right . Breakfast is almost ready anyway." Brock said to his friend. "Hey Ash breakfast is ready, why won't you rest for a while." Brock called his friend.

"Sure Brock, Okay guys that would be enough for now let's eat." Ash said, which caused his Pokémons to sigh in relief. All of them quickly charged to where Brock was making their breakfast causing Ash to fall down flat on his back. "I see there as hungry as I am."

"(Hey buddy you OK)," Pikachu asked as he jumped on Ash's chest.

"Yeah, I'm fine buddy" Ash answered while chuckling to himself. He then looked at the bright blue sky! I wonder what she's doing
this moment. He thought with a smile! Probably something which involves Pokémons performance art and style I bet.

"(You are thinking about her again, aren't you)?" Pikachu asked in a knowing matter. "Yeah, I miss her." Ash said in a somewhat depressed tone.

"(You'll see each other again. You two always meet in the most convenient circumstances, and you and her always meet more than once a month now since you and her began this secret relationship)." Pikachu said it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You right buddy, I just wish that that'll be soon. I really miss her since our last meeting and I want to see Serena" Ash said as he stood up. "Hey leave some for me guys." Ash shouted as he ran towards his breakfast.

Pikachu merely sighs at his trainer. "(He only acts mature when she's around, well I couldn't blame him)." Pikachu said as he run towards his trainer and their

"That was delicious Brock." Ash said holding his belly after finishing his tenth plate of the day. "I can't eat another bite."

"That's good because there is nothing left." May exclaimed to her friend (to her crush).

"Hey I'm a growing boy." Ash retorted.

May was about to retort an answer but stopped when Brock tapped her shoulder. "He has a point, may. He is a growing boy, and he has been training since early in the morning." Brock said to his brown haired friend.

"Yeah you right, Brock, " May admitted. Ash merely laughs at his friend. "Hey, what 's so funny?"

"Nothing may, absolutely nothing." Ash said as he stood up.

"Hey guys, would you do me a favour?" Ash

"Sure," Brock and May answered in unison.

"Ash then returned all his Pokémons except for Pikachu to their respective Pokeballs and handed it to his friends.

you guys take my other Pokémons to the Pokemon centre. I need to go somewhere with Pikachu." Ash said to them signalling Pikachu to jump to his shoulder which Pikachu quickly complied.

"Sure Ash, but where are you going with only your Pikachu?" Brock asked, looking at the two of them.

"You know, just a little walk." Ash said, trying to hide a lie. As much as he likes and trusts his friends he still needs to keep some secrets from them.

"Sure, do you like some company called Ash." May asked with a glint of hope shining through her eyes. ( like he will need mam if u don't know he has save world countless times lol, 😂 so he don't need so you're wasting your time)

Thanks to his experience with his secret girlfriend,Ash could already tell that he would be in a compromising position with his brown haired companion, so he did the only thing that an hour with a secret girlfriend would do in this situation, act and lie. "Sorry may but I want to be alone. I need to think of some crazy strategies in order to beat the trip. I need to be completely alone for that." Ash said with his best acting voice to make the lie realistic. "And the only reason Pikachu is with me is because he would follow me no matter what." Ash added which Pikachu gave a thumbs up.

May seems to be disappointed but nodded in understanding. Brock merely smiled at his friend. He was finally showing some maturity (Brock and May had no idea).

"So I'll be going now."Before any of them could say anything, Ash had already run-off towards the forest.

Hello again I hope u enjoyed this chapter. and as for your ans why ash is facing palu at torrent because they both have not meet at Lilly of vallie conference and ash has infernape with different styles and circumstances and if u like it vote and comment and if their is any mistake dm or comment and Thanx for reading
Have a good day /night/evening Lucifer ☮️ out .

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