8 Reunion Of Amour couple

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Pikachu seeing the action of his buddy future wife' quickly jump off from his shoulder to the ground knowing that his buddy ' he would run off to embrace his 'love'

Truth to his word, the moment that he landed to the ground, Ash quickly ran towards her, wrapping his two arms to his love of Life and filling the embrace with so much love and care that if someone would have seen it, they would actually feel the passion and the love in the air. She as well returns the embrace with as much care and love as her champion gave her.

"I miss you so much, My Aura champion, My Ashy, My Ash." She said looking directly at his deep brown eyes. Ash could feel that she could read him like an open book when she's looking at his eyes and vice-versa. With one look he could tell what she wants and who is he to deny her, her love.

"I miss you two, My love , My serena." Ash said to her with so much passion that it made her heart crack and jump for joy and happiness.

Without another word they kiss, forgetting the World around them. They didn't care about that for now; the only thing that matters is that they are together for the time being .

The kiss felt soft, warm, loving, and most importantly it felt right and with so much passion. It has only been a couple of days (27days to be exact or nearly a month) since the last time they kiss and embrace each other but for them it felt like forever, an infinite years of torture and unbearable pain. It was torture for them to not have physical contact and to be separated to each other with only a phone to keep them connected but now that they are informed of eachother and kissing each other it was worth of it, every pain they feel form the separation . is worth it because they know that they will meet again in some time as much as they want no matter what, like destiny has decided it for them .
After a long session of kissing they broke apart, the need of air overcoming them but yet they still hugged each other, their eyes filled with love and care . They stared at each other for a moment, not saying any words, just enjoying the love that they shared. Ash can't help but be mesmerized"Nothing is wrong. Ash then cuffed her cheeks and shifted her gaze towards him again. "You know I like seeing your blush, it enhances your beauty." Ash said, which made her blush increase.

Hello everyone I m Lucifer and i am liza as form now one we both will be working on this fanfiction and delivery u a memorable journey of this book.so it's written by me liza with the help of my brother of course story plot it's not like i don't know how to write jk 🤣🤣
But ya hopefully you all enjoyed it until next time Lucifer peace out .and have a great day ahead . thanks for reading liza out .🙂

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