S2 Ch 2 | reminiscence : 2

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Welcome to the enthralling world of **The Aura Nexus: Ash's Battle Against Darkness**. As we stand on the precipice of adventure, I hope You all are ready to divel into this

In the last chapter, we have seen how Gary and his team and serena side Natasha found out their relationship still their are part of reminiscence which you will be looking forward in this ch so let's get going .

May the aura be with you, guiding you through the twists and turns of this enchanting saga. Embrace the adventure, for every page is a step deeper into the heart of the nexus.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure . Let the remnants of the past light up the adventures to come. Enjoy the read!


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Gary's gaze held a mix of curiosity and concern. "Why did you choose to become an Aura Guardian? It's not like you to seek power," he asked, his voice echoing the years of friendship and deep understanding he shared with Ash.

Ash's response came with a wry chuckle, a sound that seemed out of place amidst the tension. Serena's eyes narrowed at Gary, her look sharp enough to unsettle him. He shifted, ready to get into action at the first sign of trouble.

"The reason I embraced Aura," Ash began, his voice steady, "is simple." His arms tightened around Serena, protective and firm. "It's for the person I'm holding and for all those I hold dear. I became an Aura Guardian to have the strength to shield Serena and my loved ones form the upcoming or whenever danger looms."

Gary absorbed Ash's words, the gravity of his commitment hanging in the air. "You'd go to such lengths for her protection..." he trailed off, the unspoken words reflecting a newfound respect.

Ash's gaze swept over all people who were inside , a serious undertone lacing his words. "I've been on the path of Aura long before my formal training began," he said, gesturing towards Brock. "He's been by my side the longest; he can vouch for my experiences. And Serena," Ash's voice softened as he mentioned her name, "she's seen some of the trials in my journey."

The group's attention shifted to Brock, who offered a solemn nod in confirmation. "Together, Ash and I have encountered nearly every Legendary Pokémon. He aided them in their struggles and helped them defend themselves from forces who are evil , often risking his own life in the process," Brock recounted, his tone grave.

A brief silence fell over the group as they turned back to Ash, who was tenderly stroking Serena's hair, whispering words of comfort where she is most uncomfortable when it comes to Ash life and his dangers .

"Let's finish it now from here no further questions," Ash declared, his voice firm yet calm. "I'll share everything once our secret is known by all people . But for now, let's keep tonight's revelation a our own little secret among us " His eyes hardened, a with colour changing to yellow telling them in a commanding tone . "If what you've witnessed today is not kept confidential then I might give you all a painless death now.

The gravity of his words was not lost on the group; they nodded in silent agreement. The bond between Ash and Serena was sacred, and none would dare challenge it. Their unity was their strength, and their love, undeniable. The unspoken understanding was clear: they would protect this secret at all costs.

Ash had always been an adventurer at heart, even before he took up the mantle of a Pokémon Trainer. He had a natural curiosity and a hunger for making allies wherever he roamed. "Just ask anyone I've traveled with," he said, pointing to Brock, his steadfast companion. "Brock's been with me through thick and thin, and Serena," he glanced at her with a gentle smile, "she's seen the depths of what we've faced."

Adan had something ongoing on his mind so he stood before them, and spoke . "Ash, remember when you inquired about Natasha's relationship with your father?" he asked. Ash's nod was tentative, an unspoken permission to continue. "Well, brace yourselves," Adan said, his voice a mix of gravity and anticipation. "I'm about to unveil a truth that will stretch the bounds of your belief-the hidden ties that link Serena's lineage to your own."

At this revelation, Ash and Serena exchanged a glance, their expressions a blend of skepticism and intrigue. A connection between their families? The notion was as foreign as it was fascinating. They turned to Natasha, seeking confirmation, but she averted her eyes, because it's a painful past wherever she remembers she can't control her emotions .

Their curiosity now fully throttle , Ash and Serena leaned in, their attention fixed on Adan. Gary and Brock, too, for their own curiosity found themselves drawn into the unfolding mystery.

"Please go on," Ash urged, his voice steady yet charged with a mixture of polite tone with curiosity and eagerness to unravel the secrets of their shared past.

Adan took a deep breath, ready to bridge the gap between two histories, to weave a narrative that would forever alter the fabric of their understanding. "It all began generations ago," he started, his words painting the backdrop of a saga that would reveal the intertwined destinies of two families, forever linked by fate and fortune.

Adan smiled sadly. "This may take a while." Adan started with a stoic tone.



so you people might be curious how come it's a short ch well fr now it is new ch will be coming in tomorrow if it's cross 150 view today if not then it's normal Wednesday / Thursday and I wrote it in a bit hurry too so for now enjoy people hope you all r doing well .

So aaj ke backhodi yehe khatam karta ha agar story pasand aye to like daba do agar nahi be aye to be like ka button fod do mujha farak nahi padta ☠️☠️(ps padta to ha motivation aata ha wasa🗿)
agar kuch zada he pasand Aa Gaya to wo vote ka button par tum kuch be fek ka maro bas dab jana chahiye tum android maro ya apple mac ya window maro mujha nahi pata bas dab jana chahiye so ise ka shaat milta ha next ep ma bye 👋 .(carry KA dialog chura liya kya.....ghanta kuch hoga ☠️ )

ghanta kuch hoga ☠️ )

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