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┏━━━━°❀•°:🎀. 🎀:°•❀°━━━━┓

𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧 .
┗━━━━°❀•°:🎀. 🎀:°•❀°━━━━┛


It was finally calm in May's uncle's house. The two of them had finally settled down from cleaning after seeing their visitors arrive although the two of them were still clearly. upset that their home was still not yet perfect for their visitors. May had quickly approached Dawn and Zoey, whom she had already met, and began a conversation with them, trading some strategies in the process. Brock on the other hand, had quickly talked to Misty about what she has been doing with her life lately.

"Hey Misty, it's nice to see you again." Brock said as he approached his former traveling companion.

"Same here Brock." Misty greeted with enthusiasm as she hugged her friend and former traveling companion.

Misty had changed physically during her three years in running the Cerulean gym.

She has now developed a figure that could rival her sisters. She had also let her hair down; now her orange was now lying on her shoulder. She had also change her attire, instead of her usual tomboyish attire when she was still traveling with Ash, she now wore clothes that fit her new look and age which consist of an orange shirt with an insignia of the cascade badge imprinted on it, loosed jeans that are design for traveling, and a white jacket.

"So, how is the gym doing?" Brock asked as he let go of the embrace, fearing the wrath of Croagunk.

Misty merely gave Brock a proud smirk." Well, I'm proud to say that it has been going well at my care. There have been only a handful of trainers that had earned the Cascade Badge in the last three years when I became the gym leader." Misty stated with pride in her voice.

"Congrats then Misty, I know Ash would be thrilled to have a battle with you if he heard that." Brock said humorously. At the mention of Ash. Misty quickly developed a light blush on her face but quickly shrugged it off. Also at the mention of Ash's name, Misty then notices something that has been obvious for a while now.

"Speaking of Ash, where is he?" Misty

asked with a bit of excitement in her voice.

'It has been two years since the last time I saw Ash, would he be surprised at my new look? Misty thought with a light blush.

{ Madam sirf blush he development hoga kuch ur nahi 🤣🤣}

Brock had noticed the blush but didn't pay it much attention to it, he had already. known that the four girls in the room right now have a crush on Ash (who was secretly taken by the way). Brock merely answered Misty's question, envying Ash's luck when it comes to girls. "Ash went outside to train early in the morning, he still hasn't returned." { Jale na jale tere 🤣😂}

Misty seems to be taken back by that. "Ash training, are you sure? Are you even remotely positive that this is Ash, our Ash?" Misty asked in shock, her littler tantrum had caught the attention of the three Pokémon Coordinators in the room.

Misty; Ash had finally taken his Pokémon training seriously." Brock stated, proud of Ash's maturity.

Misty, still in disbelief, chuckled. "I never thought I'll see the day that Ash will depend on his skills rather on his luck." Misty said, still in disbelief.

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