15. Battle of pride.

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Hello everyone here is the new chapter of aura champion hope you all enjoy it.

Behind a tree, not far too where Brock and may  were watching the battle, a honey haired lady with a green eye Lucario by her side was also watching the battle with a worried expression. Leo was sad and a bit unnerved, he knew how powerful his 'father' and his' uncle' are individually but there was one little problem. His 'father' was a human thus not able to battle and his 'uncle' still had not mastered that ability of his. He also knew that his 'father' would not use an ability that would unintentionally injure a Pokémon, no matter how much of a stuck up jerk their trainer is. he also cursed his 'father's' other Pokémons, he knew that his 'father' was not that strict about training his Pokémons and was very compassionate about training them and they repair him by slacking off. With him ability off reading Aura thought to him by his father, he could tell that those five that his 'father' use in this battle was weak, not because of
his  'father's' training but because they slack off on their personal training. He would meet those five and he would personally teach them a harsh lesson. Serena' on the other hand was a bit nervous.
The opponent of her beloved was strong but she knew that Pikachu could take any of his Pokémon out without using the Dynamic Blue lightning strike ability and Ash was a tactical genius, together they could end this easily but it seems that she was wrong to an extent. She could tell after her beloved lost his third Pokémon that he was not battling seriously, she knew that Ash never battles with everything he has no matter what Pokémon he's using but this battle was different. He was not battling like his usual limited state, he was trying to do something, trying to achieve something and she suspected what it was. He was trying to see and to determine why this trainer was evil, why this trainer was cold hearted, and why this trainer was so harsh on his Pokemon. Ash was trying to understand him even risking this battle, risking his pride. It was
very admirable but she knew that understanding this trainer was not worth it.

She was better in understanding and in reading people than her love is. With one glance and while watching this battle, she could already tell that this Paul guy is nothing but a cold hearted and i
Bad person. He was a cruel person that didn't care about anything but himself and what Ash was trying to achieve was pointless. She just wished that her Ashy could figure that out and give this guy a well deserved beating.

"Come on Ash, I know you and Pikachu could beat this guy. So please stop hesitating and battle for real, battle with everything you have for the first time." Serena said quietly.

Greninja, and his Sceptile could follow his orders and his unbelievable strategy. If he went all out, you and I both know that his other Pokémons could not follow that level of strategy and they would end up injuring themselves." Serena' explained.

"(Yeah, especially those five, they don't deserve to be father's Pokémon, they are weak)." Leo  said in disgust.

"Leo, you know how much Ash loves his Pokémons and that intensified when he became an Aura champion because he could understand them better. Ash will not push them in fear of them hating him." Serena Explained to her son.

Leo didn't respond and continued to watch the battle, wishing that he was the one who was battling that trainer. Serena' on the other hand, just wished that Ash would battle seriously for the first time in his life.
Pikachu went sliding down on the ground, the Brick Break managing to push him back.

"Electabuzz, now use Thunder bolds." Electabuzz then unleashed a powerful beam of electricity towards Pikachu at a dangerous speed.

"Pikachu uses Counter Shield." Ash shouted frantically. Pikachu began spinning on his back as a lot of electricity surrounded him as the Thunder hit. The strong electric attack was deflected towards Electabuzz.

"Electabuzz, usc Light Screen." Elactabuzz put his hands in front of him and a yellow glass appeared around him. The Thunder attacks harmlessly bounce off the yellow glass.

Light Screen again, that move had been annoying. I need to break before it bites me again.Ash thought.

"Electabuzz, smash that rat with Thunder Punch." Electabuzz curled his hands into a fist and glowed bright yellow as electricity emitted all over his fist. He then charged towards Pikachu.

"I hope this works." Ash mumbled under his breath
breath. "Pikachu, wait until Electabuzz is close enough and use Volt Tackle and Top it off with Iron Tail." Pikachu grinned after hearing that order. His 'brother' may not be ready to use some of their most powerful special moves but at least he was willing to use some of their special moves, even though the attack was a bit weak it was better than nothing.

Pikachu watches as the giant Electric Pokémon charged at him, with his fist covered with electricity. When the Electabuzz brought his fist down towards him, Pikachu quickly jumped in the air evading the Thunder Punch that shattered that ground below. Pikachu's entire body was then with golden electricity and did a spin move with his tail, which glowed white silver. Pikachu instead of hitting Electabuzz, hit a yellow barrier that appeared out of nowhere. Pikachu managed to shatter the barrier but it was enough time for Electabuzz to dodge the attack and hit Pikachu with a Thunder Punch. Pikachu was thrown back a couple of feet
away but was still able to land on his feet.
"That was good for someone as pathetic as you but this ends now, Electabuzz finishes that rodent off with Thunder." Electabuzz once again fired a beam of powerful electricity towards Pikachu.

'glaceon thanks for weakening Electabuzz for Pikachu. This ends now.Ash thought with a grin. "Pikachu absorbs the attack and fires a Thunder of your own, do it for glaceon." Pikachu absorbed the powerful electric attack without even flinching and after five seconds, he had the attack completely. Pikachu then unleashed a powerful electric attack, three times the size of an ordinary Thunder attack and also five times stronger and five times faster. Electabuzz didn't even have the time or the opportunity to dodge as the Thunder hit him directly. Even though Electabuzz is an Electric-type Pokémon, the Thunder attack had critically damaged him, resulting in him being knocked-out.

"Electabuzz is unable to battle, this round the Thunder attack had critically damaged him, resulting in him being knocked-out.

"Electabuzz is unable to battle, this round goes to Pikachu and Ash Ketchum." The
the referee declared.

"Good Pikachu, that's one down three to go." Ash complimented his 'brother'. Pikachu merely gave Ash a smile and a thumbs up.

"Electabuzz return, I'll deal with you later. You call yourself an Electric-Pokémon, getting knocked-out by just one Electric move, disgraceful." Paul said in disgust.

'I'm beginning to consider using the Dynamic lightning Blue strike on him.Ash thought angrily, seeing how Paul treated his Pokémons.

Here's is the new chapter of aura champion hope you like it and give it a vote if you like it and if i have any mistake or you all have any suggestions comments on comment box. Thanx for reading hope you all have a great day ahead.lucifer ☮️☮️ out.

lucifer ☮️☮️ out

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