11. Brock punishment

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.11 Brock punishment
Hello everyone i am back with a new chapter of aura champion.so let's get started.
(Chaliye shuru karte Hain 🤣)

(Flashback of that day.)

"Hey Misty, are you sure this is a good idea?" Brock.asked his sister like a friend  as they are going to spy on him . their 'smiling friend.

"Hush up Misty, Ash might see us." Brock quietly scolded her.

"Shut Up will you , here comes Ash." Misty said quietly as he gently pushed Brock and her  to the nearest bush.

"Ouch that hurt, misty." Brock quietly hissed at the water trainer.

"Sorry Brock, but we need to hide or else Ash will see us." Misty whispered as he looked at his friend, Ash. He was smiling again; it was rather disturbing to see his friend smile without a reason.

"I guess we should not be doing this." Brock said in a low voice.

"Shut it u idiot, Ash is saying something." Misty whispered as she covered his mouth.

"Hey buddy we are heading there  again, I think I'm lost." Ash said, still smiling, like he had achieved his most precious things .

His Pikachu just stares at his partner and 'buddy, no matter how old and how skilful he becomes he still lacks a sense of direction. "(What does she see in you)?" Pikachu asked as he pointed north.

"I could give three." Ash said as he happily walked towards his destination, with the thoughts of his girlfriend.

"Hey Brock, could you hear what Ash is saying?" Misty asks in a whisper.

"No, Ash is too far from hearing range." Brock whispered to his friend.

"We should not be doing this; If Ash catches us we would be in trouble." Brock again said in a knowing tone.

"Ash will catch us if you continue talking like that." Misty whispered harshly to him. "How did I end up here?

"Well Ash has been disappearing twice or sometimes 4 to 5 times a month. Misty said and she wants to know why and what Ash has been doing during those times that makes him so happy." Brock explains to his friend as watch Ash walk to an unknown destination..

Brock again sighs. "This is not going to end well."

"Shut Up up Brock or you're the one who's not
going to end well." Misty threatens him  as she watches (spy) Ash.

"God please talk some sense to her." Brock pleaded to Arceus.(Arceus be like nah i ' m going to enjoy the show what is about to happen so best of luck u two idiots.xdxd)

"You two are hopeless." Misty said in signs.

"Who are you calling hopeless?" Brock harshly asked her .

"You , what Ash does every time he disappears is his business not ours.so why do we interface in his one while he is not doing it to us ?'' said Brock angrily.

"But we're his friends and we have the right to know what he's doing." Misty retorted, getting irritated by the second.

"We don't have the right; you just have a creepy crush on Ash." Brock said with a devious smile. That statement caught Misty's attention and caused Misty  to blush.
Why you little , I Will crush." Misty screamed as she chokes the life out of  Brock, neither denying nor confirming whether that statement of him is true or not. Strangely enough Brock was smiling as he was being bullied.

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