7. The Meeting

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The message was shot but he got the message loud and clear. He quickly packed up his back and took some blankets and sleeping bags in a hurry and packed them into his bags. He then grabbed a musical instrument, the only musical instrument that he could play really, really, magnificently, that she loves listening to and put it inside his travelling bag as well. "Hey Pikachu get up, she's here." Ash said in a cheerful tone.

"I know, I could feel your aura become excited when you read that text message." Pikachu said as he jumped onto his buddy's shoulder.

"Yeah let's go." Ash said as he ran out of his room. He ran in a hurry as possible towards the exit of the Pokémoncentre, and with the use of his aura enhanced movements he managed to dodge, gracefully , all the people whom he had almost collided with, it was a miracle that Pikachu managed to hold on to Ash's shoulder.

May and Brock were walking towards Ash's room and were about to tell him that dinner was ready but they stopped from their tracks when they saw Ash running towards them. They almost panicked because he was on the verge of crashing to them but Ash spins 360 degrees completely missing them and sidestepping them. He then continued his dash until he was at the door.

"Hey Ash, where are you going?" May
yelled her question.
Ash merely looks at her and Brock and flashes them a wide and bright smile. "Don't expect me to return for the night. I'm going somewhere." Ash then continued his run, disappearing from their sight.

After a moment of silence Brock spoke up. "It's that time of the month again." Brock said in a sigh.

I guess it is. May said sadly.

She has been gazing upon the stars for quite some time, waiting for his prince. She gazes to the tree next to her to see the picnic basket lying next to Lizai who was sleeping peacefully, she giggles at her. She was equally excited as her to see her father again and show off her strength and love. She then reverts back to star gazing knowing that her champion is near and coming.

"You know you could have told me earlier that you are coming, I could have dressed up more appropriately for a date with the most beautiful girl on this Earth." A gentle voice said behind her.

She looked at her back and smiled at the sight before her. He was here, her champion was here. He was panting and his Pikachu was barely hanging on from his shoulder, a sign that he ran off the moment that he had received her text message. She smiled beautifully at him.

"That would have ruined my surprise, Ash. She said as she ran towards him.

Hello again dear readers welcome back to a brand new chapter of aura champion if u like it share comment vote thanx for reading.and as i said before this will be the last chapter of this month because i m having my practical examination so after that it will continue as usual .thanx for reading hope u enjoyed it. 🙃🙃 Lucifer peace out ☮️.

And next update u can expect of this on Dec 5  till then enjoy reading see ya all at that time.🙃

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