6. Long Awaited Reunion 🔥❤️👀

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Thank you for letting me use your stove With ur hotel zoye . The honey haired girl said to the owner of the hotel and restaurant She had finally finished the Favorite meal of her prince which was being carried by his and hers ninetails, she could already feel the annoyance of the lucario beside her she was a warrior not a plenie basket earrien

You're no trouble at all little lady thanks to your lucario, which is very beautiful! may add my hotel was full for the first time this month She said, patting the head of the green eye lucario and a blue ninetales, much the both Pokemon annoyance. Are you sure you don't want to stay here for the night

Thanks for the offer but I really have to go. Today i Am meeting someone very special to me She said with a light blush on her beautiful free

The woman looks at her with a knowing

smile. "The boy that you are going to meet is waiting for it..... (It's a long awaited reunion of course 🔥)

'Yeah I don't want to make my prince waiting. She thought. "Thanks again mam. Let's go Leo and meet my prince and your father!" She said as She run-off, leo hurriedly followed her "mother", trying not to spill the food that her 'mother' had prepared for her, her uncle' Pikachu, and for her 'father'. ( Rip pikchu u became an uncle 🤣🤣)

Ash was looking at the star filled sky and the white moon which was at the centre of the night sky. It was beautiful and it reminded him of his secret girlfriend. Both of them love staring at the night sky whenever they meet during the night, if destini allows it. He really misses her so much .
'You should have let me quit back then. I would give everything to be with you, holding you as we gaze upon the endless sky .Ash thought sadly. He really wanted to hold her, embrace her and kiss her but he didn't know it was going to become reality .

Ash stops his thoughts when he hears his pokephone, his secret pokephone that she gave him in order for them to have contact with each other anytime they want, rang. Ash's heart literally did a beat fast , she was here and waiting for him. He dashed towards his bed and took the cell phone from the secret compartment of his travelling bag and the text message, she always sends him text if she was the one who prepared their date.

Meet me at Lake Placid tonight, my love and bring some blankets and sleeping bags please.

That's it for now 🙂👀

Hello everyone I m back with a new chapter of aura champion hope u like it and enjoy.if u enjoyed it pls vote share and comment Thanx for reading 🙂. Next chapter will be last of this month because I am having my practical examination form 23 hope u will continue to read it till next time Lucifer peace out.

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