10. May the spy

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(To aao yar sure karta ha Bina kise backchodi ka 😂🤣😂)

If there is one word that can describe May's day, that word is panic. She has been panicking since the star of the day. She panicked when Ash suddenly disappeared from his bed early in the morning, she panicked when Ash took a long leave from the Pokémoncentre for his walk, now she was panicking because Ash went and didin't come to them till now. And it's now dinner time.

"Where is he, (X3)?" May asked for the thousand times tonight as she walked back and forth, not even looking at her food.

Brock, who was greatly irritated by his brown haired friend, decided to try (and probably fail) to calm her down. "May please calm down. This is not the first time Ash disappears for a long period of time and if the smile that he wore on his face is evident enough for us to know that he would probably be gone the night.

So please calm down and eat your dinner. It's getting cold." Brock said, feeding the Pokémons of their group.

"But Brock it's already late and Ash never disappears at night. And he never and I mean never misses dinner." May said in panic.

"I know that but whatever Ash is doing right now is probably so important that he would forget food." Brock stated the impossible.

"Brock, are you even listening to yourself? Ash forgetting about food, Nurse Joy would sooner date you before that will happen." May exclaimed or it will be the end of the world at what Brock said.

"Maybe," Brock said before realizing what the other part of that statement contains. "Hey, what is that supposed to mean?" Brock yelled in outrage which caused Croagunk to give Brock a Poison jab in the point i can't describe . Naturally Brock fell down overcoming his senses. with, pain

"See, even your Croagunk agrees with me."

May said in a hurry before going back in panic mode.

After a minute, Brock recovers from the effect of poison jab and with a sweat drops when he sees mah still waking in panic but this time her sktti and bulbasaur is accompanying her.

'How did I stay till now while travelling with her? Brock asked himself as he stood up.

"Hey Brock, could I ask you something?"

May asked suddenly appearing in front of
him, causing Brock to fall down in surprise.
"Don't do that may." Brock yelled at her.

May flinches a bit after Brock yelled at her but nevertheless apologizes and helps him up his feet. "So Brock could I ask my question." May asked in a low tone.

"Sure." Brock said nonchalantly.

"When did Ash begin disappearing like this?" May asked in a serious tone.

Brock was a bit shocked about May's questions but he began thinking hard to answer his annoying friend. "I could remember Ash disappearing since the time I joined him in his journey but those times he disappears because of an accident that separates him from the group. Well, I think Ash started disappearing during our journey through Johto but it was rare and short and every time Ash appears..." Brock said, thinking hard.

Well what... May asked, in a bit excited tone jumping up down like a little girl .(she and her excitement she doesn't know what is going to hit her so be prepared may best of luck 😈)

"Every time Ash appears after disappearing he has the brightest mood and the biggest smile I have ever seen. He was always in a fabulous mood after disappearing. It became frequent during our travel through the Johto and battle frontier, it became twice or sometimes 4 times a month and Ash disappeared the entire day. The strange thing about it is that Ash always smiles before and after disappearing, like he is happy to disappear." Brock said remembering those days when Ash disappeared from the group.

"Have you guys ever wondered what happens to him every time he disappears?" May asked, finally calming down.(Don't ask him if u don't want ur heart to crack into billion pieces)

"Well after a couple of months during our journey, misty was the first person to notice Ash's disappearance and we noticed it too after she pointed it out. We followed him once but, well it didn't end up pretty well for us." Brock said rubbing his chin, it suddenly aches.

"Why...?" May asked once again.

"Ash discovered that we were following him and he ended up yelling at us and he knocked me out cold

with a punch." Brock said shuttering, he could still feel the power of that that Ash gave him a year ago.

"He punched you..." May said not believing what she was hearing.

"Yeah, I can still remember that day; I lost 2 teeth because of that punch...." Brock said as he told may about that day.

Hello everyone welcome once again to a new chapter of aura champion hope u like it if you like it then break that star button called vote and u can also spam ur ideas or what i need to improve in comment section so till next time bye bye.....
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