20.True Power

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『Welcome 🤗 to a new chapter of aura champion✧✧✦ .so without any further ado let's get started♨︎ .』

『Location ✧✧✦
Celestial city fire Storm stadium
Torrent region𖤍.』


"Hey is your Torterra still conscious of Paul." Ash asked after the explosion subsided, being replaced by a cloud of smoke. "Or is it down for the count."

"Shut it. Torterra, if you know what's good for you, you better still be conscious." Paul shouted with anger. A moment of silence was once again felt in the area as a breeze of wind passed by, blowing the cloud of smoke away thus revealing the two combatants. Pikachu had a smug grin on his face and was unharmed by the explosion of electricity, Torterra on the other hand was not that lucky. Torterra was covered with multiple scorch marks and was panting heavily because of the damage.

"Pikachu backed away from Torterra and let him heal." Pikachu then jumped a couple of meters away from Torterra.

"Torterra don't let that mouse get away." Paul ordered. Torterra was about to chase Pikachu but stumbled and fell to the ground. "Torterra stands up now."

("YOU ARE A FOOL." )Ash shouted, getting Paul's attention. "Your Torterra is injured and it could not chase my Pikachu in his injured state. So do your Torterra a favor and heal him first before attacking." Ash lectured.


Ash began laughing like a manic after hearing what Paul said much to that aggravation of Paul and much to the fear of the spectators. "WHAT SO FUNNY?" Paul was now nearing his limits. He can't believe that on the verge of victory, he would suddenly lose like this against someone he thought was inferior to him.

"You think I care about your Pokémon. Do you think I would care for a Pokémon that his very own trainer doesn't give a shit about? Don't make me laugh you dumb Idiot." Ash said between his laughs which further aggravates Paul. "I don't care what you do with your Pokemon now Paul.. Whether they die or live in your own hands, I don't care anymore. I just want you to heal that giant turtle so he could at least put up a decent fight, I refuse to fight something that is on the verge of collapsing. That would remove the satisfaction of victory." Ash finished with a psychopathic grin on his face.

"That and I want to beat your Torterra at its strongest. So you better heal your Torterra up or else I would finish this with one attack, so hurry it up, chop chop. Pauli." Ash said as he claps his hand to further mock him.

Paul was seething in anger, he didn't know what was worse, losing against this new Ash that appeared all of the sudden or being lectured by these nuances. But still, he could not change the fact that Ash was right, his Torterra needs healing in order to continue the battle. "Torterra, use Synthesis." Paul growled. Torterra's entire body suddenly glows white as the scorched mark disappears from its body and energy is being reclaimed.

"I see that you at least thought your Pokémon knows a healing move. Not what. I expect from a tyrant like yourself. I would expect all of Torterra's moves are all attacks but I see that I'm mistaken. Or maybe that move is self thought because Torterra has some common sense unlike his egotistical trainer." Ash commented with a grin.

'I'm going to kill you.Paul thought as he clutches his fist so tight that it was
beginning to draw blood.

"Brock, is this really Ash?" May asked in a low voice, feeling shivers running up her spin as she watched over what Ash had suddenly become.

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