12.The mystery of Ash

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He'llo everyone welcome to another chapter of aura champion .

(Toh chaliye shuru karte hai )

"After that, Ash disappeared for 2 days  and when he returned he had  a smile on his face and apologised to us but I was pissed off because of that punch so me and Ash got into a fight." Brock said as he massaged his face, his face suddenly aches in pain.
(Well well broko who said you to  mess with his own business now it's your punishment time 😈🤣)

"So what happens next, you beat up Ash right?" May asked, assuming that Brock had beat up Ash.

"Actually Ash ended up beating me off and handing my ass to me,'' he said while smiling." 

remembering how Ash kicked and knocked him like he was nothing .

May looked at him in disbelief. "Ash knocks you like you're nothing . Are we talking about our Ash, this clueless, food addicted Ash." May said in disbelief
.(her face is like😱)

"Don't remind me, my face still hurts even though I remember that day  many times Ash hit me on the face during our fight." Brock then looks at May  directly on the face. "May I am seriously warning you, when Ash disappears do not, do not follow him or else." Brock warned seriously

"Or else what about Brock?" May asked with a clueless expression.

"Or else you'll see a side of Ash that would make you have nightmares." Brock said grimly which scared may a bit.

May merely nods at her friend's warning.

On the other end of the city inside the forest.

If Ash would have been now in  heaven this would be it. Having delicious food and his two favourite Pokémon around him and having his lovely girlfriend resting in his arms as she tells him about her adventures. Ash was never tired listening about her adventures. Serena, being a performer , had more exciting and more informative adventures than him. Exploring more cities, more regions, meeting more people, and other things that involve both humans and Pokémon was really exciting and dangerous because of the of some greed rich people can trap u in some sort of things which u can't even escape and knowledge that she gained by contacting people and making friends  the end of the expedition were a delight that comes with the adventures.

"You have crazier adventures than I have, you know that serena." Ash said as he fed her some macoons.

"Well I wouldn't say that if I were you. You have practically seen every legendary Pokémon there is, you have no idea how much other people and professors  would kill for that." Serena said, snuggling closer to Ash's chest.

"If they were me, they wouldn't wish that. All my meetings with those Legendary Pokémons involve them attempting and sometimes nearly killing me." Ash said with not positive  vibes remembering those times where he almost died meeting with Legendary Pokémons.
"But you're still here, alive, and fresh

good looking." Serena said with a smile.

Ash blushed a bit because of her compliment and said. "Well, the only reason why is because I'm very lucky.

"Yeah, you're probably right. You are living proof that being lucky is better than being smart." Serena said with a giggle as she ate the macoons that Ash fed her.

Ash didn't know whether she complimented him or insulted him so he just laughed uneasily. "Yeah but I thank whatever god  who gave me luck rather than smarts." Ash said to her as he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

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