13. the secrets of aura power

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Hello everyone welcome to a brand new chapter of aura champion hope you like it thanx 🙃

"Leo dear, what do you need from us?" Ash asked, trying to contain the Irritation in his voice.

"Well 'uncle' Pikachu said you were planning on teaching me a new Aura technique)." Leo said with excitement clearly in his voice.

After hearing that Ash and Serena threw a glare towards Pikachu, who was looking innocently on the other corner of the field. Ash glances at Serena, who merely smiles and nods. Ash smiled back at her and kissed her on the cheek. "Okay then Leo let's do it ." Ash said as he stood up and walked towards the other end of the forest field so that he and Ash would be facing each other face to face.

"Okay, to determine what technique I will teach you Leo I need to determine how powerful your Aura is." Ash said as he took off his hat and threw it towards serena
which she caught. Ash then loosen his stance.

Leo understood and put his two paws together. He then began emitting blue Aura all over his body and focusing it to his two paws into a large blue Aura spear When it was roughly half his size, he fired the Aura Sphere towards his 'father'.

Ash merely looked at the large Aura Sphere with a bored expression. To the eyes of others it may be a powerful attack but for Ash it was merely an oversize ball of energy. Ash merely opens his palm and charges an Aura Sphere (Ash's Aura is colour dark blue /golden while Leo is sky ) the size of a baseball and shoots it towards the large Aura Sphere. The small Aura Sphere decimated the large Aura Sphere and still has enough power to hit Leo , the Aura Sphere exploded as it made contact with him and sent him a couple of meters away from where he was standing. he hit the ground with pain and he had some bruises thanks to the explosion of the Aura Sphere.

"Sorry for that Leo , would you please stand up." Ash said with a bit of disappointment in his voice.

Leo stood up and looked at his father, his pride just took a major blow.

"Leo, could you tell me what Aura is?" Ash asked as he approached Leo.

"(Well in my knowledge because 'mother force me to come with her in some library and ruins analysis)," Leo send a glare towards her 'mother', remembering all the times he was force to accompany her to those performing hall and researching trips ."( Aura is an energy that is used by Aura Guardians, Aura Knights, Aura kings, Aura Prince, Aura champion Legendary Pokémon, and some special Pokémon, it's an energy that allows offensive and defensive attacks to increase in catastrophic level)." Leo said in his best lecture tone.

"That's the reason why your Aura is weak, Leo ." Ash said in a sad tone.

"(What do you mean father)," leo asked,
he was saddened by what her father said.

"Watch closely." Ash said as he raised both his arms over and closed his eyes. The entire forest suddenly glowed sky blue with a golden tint and it was radiating blue light with some golden light, the wind became calmer and soother, the flowers bloomed and grew, and the clouds disappeared completely as the stars shine even more brightly. Serena, Leo, and Pikachu were stunned and awed by the beautiful display, Pikachu was the most in awe. He has seen Ash use his Aura before but not to this extent. After a minute, Ash began collecting the entire Aura in the area into a single sphere.

"Leo , Aura is not a weapon but it is a living being. Aura is a living entity that gives life and power to all living beings. It's an energy present to all living creatures, Aura is found to the very debts of the soul in all the living. Humans like me can only manifest our Aura if we can tap into the debts of our souls with a pure heart. How we use our Aura depends on our intent, whether good and evil. The main purpose of Aura is not attacks or defend or use for your own gain but it is to maintain balance in this
world, that is the reason why only two species of Pokémons could use it and only one of the two can master it, that's the reason why Aura is reserved to the legends, and that is the reason why only few humans known as guardians could harness it. Do you know why?" Ash asked, his eyes still closed and the Aura Sphere getting bigger.

Leo didn't answer, he just watched his father's display of power. Pikachu was still awestruck because of the level of power he was feeling. Serena was just smiling for two reasons, first at how amazing her love is and the knowledge that she was gaining as a performer and part time researcher , the knowledge that Ash just said was the information that any professor would die for.

"The reason is because if every mortal can harness Aura, if every Pokémon could use it the world will be torn apart." Ash said as he opened his The Aura Sphere where he was gathering all the Aura was now twenty times larger than him. "That is Aura, remember it!" Ash said as he finished his explanation.

Ash could see the amaze look on Leo's face and could feel that Serena and Pikachu had the same expression. "Now observe what I'm doing." Ash then compresses the large Aura Sphere into the size of a ball. Unlike his usual Aura Sphere, this Aura Sphere was small.

"Father, how did you manage to do that?" Leo asked in astonishment.

"It's very simple, you see it's true that there is an Aura with every living being but only few can harness it. A creature poses or harnesses by using Aura can use the Aura of any living being without a will complimenting the creature's own aura." Ash said as he showed him the Aura Sphere, the Aura Sphere that he was holding was unlike the Aura Sphere that he could use with. the use of his Aura alone. The Aura Sphere was a circular mirror, reflecting everything around it.

Ash could see the astonish look on his 'son's' face and could not help but smirked. "Do you understand what Aura is now, Leo ?" Leo just nodded. "Good, here is what you are going to do. Go to the lake and meditate, feel the Aura around you as it flows and try to gather them into your body." Ash instructed.

Hello everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter for now i can't promise when i will update next but after next week Sunday u can expect regular updates i have some personal problems so till then enjoy this and thanx for reading if you like it give a tap on the upvote button and if any suggestions on this comment section are open for you all thanx for reading hope u all have a great day enjoy.till next time Lucifer out.

till next time Lucifer out

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