Ch 4 Pancake and panic

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Welcome to "The Aura Nexus: Ash's Battle Against Darkness," an enthralling journey into the depths of adventure. As we stand on the precipice of this captivating tale, I trust you are prepared to immerse yourselves fully. Thank you for embarking on this adventure with me. Let the echoes of the past illuminate the path of the adventures yet to unfold. Enjoy the journey ahead!

Brock and Gary groaned once again for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning

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Brock and Gary groaned once again for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning. The two were currently being interrogated by the girls because they had come home without Ash the previous night. They sighed in unison once more; they had promised Ash to keep his secret, and that was exactly what they intended to do, for the sake of Ash and Serena's love and their friendship with Ash.

That, and they dreaded the thought of Ash going all Aura Prince on them, annihilating and erasing them from existence. They shuddered at the memory of how Natasha had described an Aura Prince.

"A being of immense power capable of obliterating anything in its path," Natasha's voice echoed in their minds. They shuddered once again at the recollection.

Their thoughts were abruptly pulled back to reality by a loud smacking sound as someone struck the table. Their heads snapped up to see a clearly irate Misty. "What did you guys do during that all-boys outing?" Misty demanded, her voice a growl.

"We roamed aimlessly around the town, taking in some sights, savouring some food, moderately sipping some wine, and prying Brock away from a few ladies," that earned Brock a gentle tap on the head by Max and a stern look from Brock. "And Ash, he declared he'd go for a midnight stroll with Pikachu, and not to expect him back because he was off to train his Pokémons," Gary explained in exasperation, weary of repeating the same fib time and again. He silently thanked the acting classes he and Ash attended in their youth; they were proving to be a lifesaver.

"Don't pull our legs. Not even Ash is that obsessed with Pokémons, plus he hardly ever trains," May retorted with a piercing gaze.

"Ash has grown up," Brock interjected, his mind already on food.

"Ash and maturity don't blend," Dawn remarked sagely.

"As far as you're aware," Gary and Brock said together, much to Dawn's chagrin.

"Out with it, you two. Mrs. Ketchum's been beside herself with worry for Ash since last night," Misty implored, her concern for Ash's as his mother .

"You need to take a breather," Gary suggested, hoping to ease the tension.

A voice started behind them. The group turned to see Ash, clad in the same attire as the previous night, with Pikachu perched on his shoulder, eagerly lapping up some ketchup and tucking into pancakes. "Hey folks, fancy some?" Ash offered casually as he savoured another pancake.

The trio of girls growled at him in unison. "**WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, MISTER?**" they demanded in a chorus.

"I've been about, soaking up the festival in all its glory," Ash replied with a nonchalant shrug.

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