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𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧 .
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In an unknown location, a purple haired man gazes upon the horizon, plotting his next move.

"Did they take the job, corner?" The purple haired man asked with authority in voice.

"Yes sir, they sent us confirmation that they will take the job." Corner answered with utmost respect.

"Perfect, our job just got much easier. Our goals are now easier to accomplish." The purple haired man said with a grin.

"If I may, sir, why do we need those archeological researchers, sir? We have enough information and knowledge to make our plans a success." Corner asked with a bow.

The purple haired looked at his commander with a cold gaze. "Corner, my dear commander, I take my plans very seriously and our knowledge is not yet sufficient for our plans to succeed." The purple haired man
said with a harsh tone. Corner recoiled in fear because of the leader's voice.

The purple haired man seemed to take notice at his commander's fear and smirked before glancing towards the horizon once more. "Do not fear corner, the knowledge that will make our plans a reality will be provided by an old friend of mine, I do hope that my old friend, Henry Yvonne Gabena, had not yet lose his touch and if he does, I know Natasha and Adan have not yet lose their touch in gaining knowledge that is very sufficient." The purple haired man as he gazed upon a picture that contains him and his four former friends.

Oh yes, his plans will become a reality, sooner or later.

( Let's see whether your plan is going to succeed or fail but whatever it will be  chaos for you or the world future will answer it for now let's move on )

Serena had a triumphant smile on her face. She had accomplish so much in just one day, first, she had convince her father to accept the job so that means that her chances in meeting Ash just went up considerably, second, she had proven the existence of the second Spear Pillar in Mount ALPHA, thanks to Ash's little gift, which was an orb that has the insignia of both Mount ALPHA and the Spear Pillar, third, she had successfully convince the crew to visit celestial town to take part in the festivities, and fourth she had convince Adan to let her drive the company's personal jet.

"Keep your eyes on the sky, serena. I don't want to die yet." Adan shouted quite harshly. Serena quickly snapped back into reality and stirred the jet into the right direction, the direction towards celestial City newhawk town. "Arceus, Serena, please concentrate. You are piloting a jet, not a car, not a truck,or a jet. If you crash it we are done. If you crash, you're not just going down but you are going to take eleven people down with you." Adan said in a scolding manner.

"Huh, there are only eleven people here." Serena corrected, Adan merely slapped his forehead.

"I counted Leo as well, that makes us twelve." Adan said to Serena.

Serena giggled a bit at Adan's answer. "I still can't believe that you'll treat leo as a person and not as a Pokemon. I thought I'll be the only one who'll treat her that way when I first brought him into the company." Serena said her eyes focus on the sky as she pilots the jet
of seven feet and five inches. Adan was a middle aged man with an extremely well built and muscular body and was also freakishly tall, at the height .

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