5. The One Who Win His 💖

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A honey haired girl has been walking for the longest time to a certain destination; beside her was a pure white ninetails who is equally excited as her. She knew where he, her prince, is. With every stop she makes she always made it a priority to tell him how much to her where she is, he was much thankful for that because it made it easy to find him. She knew that because of their long distance relationship their time together was very limited, with him always moving from one place to another and with her career as an performer, it was impossible for them to be together for a long time. But she didn't care and frankly he didn't either.

They did not care that they could only see each other three times and if god wished four times a month. They didn't care that they had to keep this a secret to their friends and family. They didn't care that their time together was very limited. They didn't even care that they were lying to their family and friends. The only thing that matters is that they love each other and will always be together.

'Soon Ash I'll be there."The honey haired girl thought with a smile. 'I can't wait to see and kiss you again my champion".

If there was one word to describe the field where Ash and Pikachu train , it would be like a desert between forests. The trees were decimated. The land has several holes marked that the bolts of lightning left. It also had circular craters, which were seven foot deep. All in all the land was completely destroyed, like there was a strong storm that went through it. In the middle of the war field lay the two individuals that caused the destruction. They were panting heavily as they tried to recover from their injuries.

"You are getting better at controlling the blue spark." Ash complimented, the dark spark is what Ash called his Pikachu's special ability.

"You are getting good with those aura attacks as well but I shouldn't be too shocked you are an Aura champion after all." Pikachu said, trying to catch his breaths. If Ash took the training seriously he would have been knocked out sooner in the fight.

"The first Aura manifestor in the last hundred years I may add." Ash said with so much pride that it was bordering on arrogant.

"Don't be arrogant, buddy. Pikachu scolded his brother like a friend.

"I'am not arrogant, just proud." Ash exclaimed. "If I Am arrogant I wouldn't have her." Ash said softly.

"Yeah you're right." Pikachu admitted. "Is it wise for us to hide so many secrets from our friends?"

"No, but I promise her that I would not tell anyone about our relationship until we can end this long distance relationship and start a normal relationship. Ash said sadly.

"I'm starting to think that that would not happen this early ." Ash added sadly.

"It will happen someday. destiny is in yours and hers side. "If it's not then you would never or only meet her once." Pikachu said, trying to comfort his 'friend'.

"Yeah. you're right buddy." Ash said as he
stood up, his Aura has finished healing his wounds from the rough training match against his Pikachu. He then looked at his partner and began healing him with Aura as well. It only took a minute to completely heal Pikachu to full strength.

"Come on Pikachu, let's go back to the Pokémoncentre. Brock and may .might be worried about us." Ash said giving Pikachu the signal to jump to his shoulder which he comfortably sat on, he was still rather tired from their training even if his injuries are healed. With Pikachu at his shoulder they head back towards the PokémonCentre.

"Where is he?" May practically yelled. She has been walking back and forth because of Ash (her dream). It has been several hours since Ash left for his walk and he still hasn't arrived at the PokémonCentre. She has been so jumpy that anyone who had bothered her had received a hit in the head.(one thing remember bois don't mess with an angry girls if u want to be live for long time fact for your own good 🤣🤣)

Brock, her blaziken, and Ash's Pokémons look at her like she was crazy, especially brock. This was not the first time that Ash had disappeared for hours; Brock could remember when they began travelling through the Kanto Battle Frontier Ash sometimes, three times a month, disappears for hours sometimes half a day and he always comes back with a large smile on his face and a bright mood that no one could break. It was strange but Brock had become used to it.

Brock became so irritated by May that he was on the verge of telling her to stop this nonsense but restrained himself for now. "May you should
calm down, Ash had disappeared for hours before and he always comes back happy mood in a strange way. Maybe it's that time of the month again." Brock said, trying to calm his worried friend.

May looked at Brock with a grim expression, which scared Brock a bit, and said in a calm but serious tone. "It's not that time of the month, Brock. He always smiles brightly at us and he always said that he would be gone for a while then run off. He didn't do that when he disappeared .
May's worried expression multiplies ten folds after remembering that, Brock merely looks at her funny face .(lol🤣)

'She must have liked Ash a lot to remember what acting strange when she is around ash Brock thought knowingly.

May was about to whine when a voice eut her off. "Hey Brock, hey may , is dinner ready?" A voice asked from behind in a bit of distance.

They looked at the source of the voice only to see Ash and Pikachu who were covered with dirt and dust because of their training. "What" is there something on my face? Ash asked which caused his friends, his Pokémons and even Pikachu to facepalm.(idiot ash sometime i think why just why 🤦)

He'llo again everyone and i m back with a fresh new chapter of aura champion hope u like it if u like it comment and vote. Any mistake and improvement u want comment or dm thanx for reading . Lucifer ☮️ out.

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