𝟑𝟐 ➣ Memory recollection

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┏━━━━°❀•°:🎀. 🎀:°•❀°━━━━┓

𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧 .
sorry for the late chapter exam and studies are taking my most of time so i don't have much time to write so it's getting late hope to see you all supporting till end thanx.
┗━━━━°❀•°:🎀. 🎀:°•❀°━━━━┛


Before Adan could say a word, a loud thud was heard which caused Adan to look behind him, Adan was met by the sight of an aggravated Sachi.

"Please tell me that you didn't come here to wreck a perfectly good door." Adan inquired with a humorous tone.

"Sorry Papa Dan, I'm just a bit irritated. today." Sachi apologized with a smile as she saw her real father.

"If you're irritated because of Justin, I could lend you my sledge hammer." Adan offered to hand Sachi his personal sledge hammer.

"Thanks Papa Dan, I'll smash his head real good with this." Sachi said with a devious smile as she reached for the sledge hammer but was stopped when Serena curved the plane a bit, causing Sachi to lose her balance and let go of the sledge.
hammer, causing a loud thud on the floor.

"No one is bashing any heads inside the jet. I had to clean this jet in order for me to drive it." Serena scolded in aggravation. "If you want to bash his head with that hammer, do it outside when we land." Serena added with a mock glare.

"Then just said so, I could bash his head outside." Sachi said with a goofy smile with a hint of sadism.

"Good." Serena said with a smile of her own.

Adan chuckled a bit after seeing how the two sisters reacted before drifting back to his nap with only one thought in his mind. If only Jane was here.'

It was night fall in Miara Town and things have finally calmed down at the

(Name of newhawk town change to Miara Town and i was getting bored with that name too🤣)

Maple residence. Misty, Dawn, and Gary had spent their time talking to Ash and Brock, catching up on all the things they have been doing in their lives. May And Zoey
had spent their time talking with Professor

Oak, discovering new things about Pokémons as they talked to the famous Professor. Max and Brock had examined all the Pokémons that the group had with them, Max was so excited seeing Pokémons that are natives in Sinnoh. Delia and Caroline on the other hand busied themselves by making treats and a delicacy for the children to feast on while talking about their experience as parents with traveling children.

Things were also a bit hectic during the afternoon because the four girls in the house had tried their best to be alone with Ash, causing some tense and hilarious moments. Ash seems to not notice but the other residents had, those four young teens, namely Misty, May, Dawn, and Zoey, have a huge crush on Ash. Those four girls had tried to outdo each other and catch Ash's attention which didn't work and they ended up in very embarrassing positions. Gary had a field day that afternoon and teases his friends nonstop for liking someone as naïve as Ash, which causes the girls to almost hit him with a mallet. Brock had sulked all afternoon muttering about how a clueless guy like Ash could attract four girls. The adult on the other hand took great pleasure seeing the four girls' desperate attempt to catch Ash's attention, it was better than TV.

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