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The weather was gloomy, the rain could start every minute. Everyone was in their homes with their families, some cases were still at work waiting for this day to end so that they would be free to leave. Everyone was happy with their loved ones.

Almost everybody.

Somewhere in the distance a 25-year-old man,with his short white hair replacing the long blond one, dressed in black, his gaze was lifeless with no sparkle in it. He was alone and lost.

Lost in his thoughts, looked straight ahead at him where three graves were, each bringing back more painful memories than the other.

He didn't know what to do, he hadn't been there for a long time, this being the second time. His conscience would not let him come to see them. He looked and read to each one the name that was written in large letters.

"Shinichiro Sano, Emma Sano, Izana Kurokawa"
he says, leaving a breath he didn't know he was holding.

He leaned over and glanced at the graves, still not knowing what to say. He was facing Emma's grave, his brothers were on either side of her.He puts his hand on the cold stone, taking a deep breath.

"It's been a while since we've seen each other. I hope you are well up there, I am sure you are happy that you have reunited. Who knows, maybe I'll come too." he paused and continued. "I'm sure you missed each other, don't think about me much. I'm ... fine."

He put the flowers he brought to each of them and sat down on the cold ground. He wondered if they were disappointed that he had come or were upset that it had lasted so long. He looked in front of him and Emma's name was written.

"You know Kenchin is fine, nothing happened to him after your death, everything has changed but his feelings for you have remained the same. He even started working at Shinichiro's store. Everything is going well for him, even though we haven't spoken since."

He looked at his brother Izana and told him.

"I will take care of your remaining people and I will lead them well. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen while I'm with them. I'll take care of Kakucho in your place as well. Just rest in peace, don't worry too much."

Then he looked at his older brother with who he had the best time together.

"I will continue your dream and I will punish those who are evil and traitors. Whenever I looked at you, I saw the strongest person I had ever seen. I'm not like you but I will try to be like you, in my own way."

He stood back up, an almost unnoticed smile on his face. Happy that he had the courage to come and stand in front of them. Their deaths are his fault. That's what he always believed and judged. That is one of the reasons why he did not visit them.

"I'm Sano Manjiro, invincible Mikey. Believe me, I will find those who did this to you and will not pay too easily for it."

He took one last look, bowed, turned his back on them, and walked away. His soul has not become easier, but he knows he will not see them until he fulfills his promise.

Meanwhile, the rain began to fall. Even though he wanted to cry, tears did not come out. But at least the sky was crying in his place.

He made his way to the exit, there was already a black car waiting for him. Before he could get to the car, a man around his age got out of it. An umbrella in his hand approaching him. His long pink hair was a little wet, his face full with worries.

Mikey passing him, not wanting to stay in that place, climbs in the passenger's seat, waiting for the other one to come faster to leave. The other went quickly to the driver's seat, waiting to be told where he should go next.

"We go to the penthouse and also stop at a dorayaki place to get some, I'm hungry." Mikey says, leaning back in the seat.

"As you say boss." Sanzu, the pink haired one say after starting the car doing as he was told. The road was very quiet which was not normal at all. It was always Sanzu's remarks as well as his yells at the other cars that want to pass him.

Especially when he was taking his drugs then it was even worse. Mikey had a lot on his mind and with the other one next to him when he was in the clouds it was even harder. But he was also helpful as a very loyal person doing everything he was told without asking lots of questions or to refuse.

Suddenly the car comes to a stop. The driver gets off not before taking the umbrella, which he brought for Mikey, because it was still raining, he goes to the store that was on the opposite street to get dorayaki.

After a few minutes the pink one returned. He handed the bag to his boss and set off for his last destination. The other took the sweet and began to eat quietly. Waiting for him to get to the headquarters faster, he wanted to change his wet clothes.

After a while the headquarters began to appear. It was on a high building where you could easily see it, but people didn't know Bonten live there.

The place belonged to Mikey, who knew that the others had nowhere to go and no family thought of giving him such a place for their own good but also for protection. After all, they were well-known people.

Parking the car in its place next to the others, they get off and go up to the entrance. Sanzu opens the door for Mikey, letting the shortest one in first. The first thing they both noticed was that the two brothers were arguing and running through the living room and kitchen.

Mikey wasn't going to bother with that, so he went upstairs to the next floor and to his room. Unlike him, Sanzu did the opposite and began to take part in their nonsense, not before he took two drugs and started running around the headquarters.

Entering his room, he prepares some clothes, also black, and goes to the bathroom. He takes off his wet clothes, enters the shower, letting the hot water make contact with his skin. The noise below seems to have reached the top, hearing some doors slamming and screaming as well as threats.

The noise was beginning to become very unbearable, Mikey was reaching his limit. He screamed shut up, finally falling silent.

He was very quiet and had nothing to do with them in general, letting them do what they wanted. But today he really couldn't help himself. Sometimes it was very difficult, he doesn't even think that their mentality is the same as their age.

When he finished, he got out of the shower, took the towel that was close to him, and wrapped it around his waist. Drops of water falling from his hair on his body. He looked in the mirror, his wet white hair lowered than usual.

Even if he didn't see the tattoo on the back of his neck, it was there representing what he is today and what he has achieved so far and what is wai6for him in the future, also similar to Izana's earrings. Awakened to reality he began to wipe his body of water after change with the clothes he brings.

He gets out of the bathroom and goes downstairs. Arriving there, he noticed that the three playing a game on the console while screaming. He goes and picks up the bag of dorayaki he left when he came and went back upstairs.

He entered the meeting room where there was a view that Mikey was always watching, always sitting there. He stood in front of the big wall, which was actually made of glass, and began to eat quietly. Even though he changed over time, some things remained the same.

The atmosphere was calm until there was a knock on the opposite side of the door. He had not looked out of the window, saying enter, waiting for whoever was on the opposite side to enter.

"Boss is me."


This is my first book I am writing so I hope you enjoy it and will continue to read it. English is not my first language so there will be grammatical and expression errors. Tokyo Revengers is not mine it belongs Ken Wakui.


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