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It was all over, he won, taking back his base and ending this boring fight that did him no good once and for all.

Although it was over, the end was too easy, much easier than he would have expected. Before watching the man throw himself off the top floor, Mikey thought he was going to have to fight.

But it seems it wasn't like that, and the ending didn't really satisfy him, he wanted to do more before killing him but it seems it wasn't meant to be.

However, he still hadn't found out the identity of the masked guy who had the courage to try to take him down.

But that was it, nothing mattered now, time will pass and this event will be very easily forgotten. Mikey was now looking at the dark sky that was lit by the millions of stars from the edge of the roof.

A playful breeze gently brushed against his body making his white hair dance with the wind as he relaxed slightly.

The moon shone brightly in the dark sky, illuminating his face and making it look whiter than usual.

The quiet was very good and he thoroughly deserved it, although it would end in a few minutes when he decided to go back into the building.

But even though he knew he would have to make a decision about what would happen to the masked guy's other subordinates, he still didn't budge.

Breathing in the fresh, cool air that slowly brought him back to life. Looking one last time to the ground and then to the sky Mikey slowly walked away from the edge of the building, turning towards the gray metal door.

When he opened it and entered the building, it meant that he had left behind everything that had happened, now going to return things to the way they were before.

Walking slowly down the hall, heading towards the floor where the whole rush started. When he got there he ran into the two Haitania brothers and Mochizuki who were resting after their work was done.

Around the three were piles of bodies, filling the hall with a lot of blood that would be very difficult to get out of there. When they saw him they turned and looked at him, waiting to receive further orders from him.

Mikey walked slowly and gracefully past the bodies that were on the floor, they were looking like a carpet on the black floor.

When he got closer to them, the boy stopped, looking at the three of them and then start what he had to say.

"The guy died, I shot him in the hand but before I could do anything else he threw himself off the roof."

As he spoke Ran was putting his stick back in his pocket after wiping the blood off one of the guy's clothes.

Rindou was arranging his ruffled hair, looking back and forth between Mikey and his brother, wanting to say something. And Mochizuki calmly watched him still listening.

"Now that these people no longer have a leader, take care of them and get them out of here. But keep someone intact, I have some questions to put. And finally clean this place too."

They nodded in agreement and looked around to see who they could pick for questioning from the people already there. Seeing that they were having no success Ran decided to break the ice.

"There's no one here who can answer any questions, so we'd better go somewhere else."

After a long sigh on his part, the boy with intense black eyes decided to do otherwise.

"Mochizuki you start getting rid of people who have already died. Ran you go find someone still breathing then take them to the interrogation room. And you Rindou help Sanzu and Kakucho finish off the others."

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