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And as he said earlier, the boy leaves the base and then sets off on his way to the college where the girl was.  When he reached the park in front of the building the clock showed half past twelve. 

Although he promised to leave immediately, right after arriving and leave the two  other boys at the base some things stopped him from leaving immediately. 

After arriving at the large building Sanzu parked the car where he had picked it up the first time. He didn't had gotten out of the car than Kakucho was already running towards them with some papers in hand. 

He didn't even have time to say anything else because the other one was already questioning him, taking his left arm and making him follow him until they reached the large and main office that was used by everyone.

After that he sat there for a whole hour talking with the others about some problems they have to solve.  He had to call a few people and then he had to tell Koko what he had to do next. 

After a little argument with the new patient, about their carelessness in allowing such important documents to be mixed up.

He also had to talk to Sanzu about the room he had broken into when the base was attacked, trying to explain to the pink haired boy that the room was not properly placed there. 

To Mikey's happiness, Sanzu agreed with him and promised to move each box himself, saying that he would take care of it from now on. 

Mikey had the kitchen be one of the first rooms to be renovated because Mochizuki no longer had a place of his own to vent his nerves.

Kakucho was very happy to see Koko up and good to work, now he was dividing his work between two people. 

The two Haitania brothers didn't say anything but they didn't like that they were left to clean up the rest of the dead bodies that were left.

Takeomi watched him silently, being one of the few who wasn't all that interested in this invasion of  these masked guys. 

But his calmness helped Mikey calm down and relax, knowing that he shouldn't feel pressured by these problems they were having right now. 

After he was done with the others he let someone clean his room, telling them he expected the bedroom to be clean by the time he got back.

If he still started the job he decided to finish it, going to his personal office to take another look at the cameras to find out what really happened.

He opened the metal door and walked in. This time there was no one in his chair in front of the table. He sat down and then began to look at the recordings from yesterday night, where he hoped to find out the truth.

He stopped just before everyone else got inside. The action started at ten o'clock when two cars stopped in front of the building.

For a moment everything was normal and quiet, not a single movement was made between them, but not long after two people got out of the black car, followed by two others from the side.

They didn't even get to the entrance the building because others were already starting to show up behind them, going one after the other, until they all surrounded the building.

The one in front went to the main door, pulling out of the bag he was carrying something with which they had managed to open the door code.

The first that was standing by the door motioned for the others to follow him, entering through the open door. After everyone entered they began to separate, going into small groups.

Some of them went to the kitchen, finding Takeomi there when he was pouring himself a glass of water. Without thinking, the five masked people surrounded him and then put him on the ground and tied him in such a way that he could not escape.

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