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On that chilly night one of the most notorious villains was doing nothing but watching a girl walking towards her house.

The idea that he himself had done a good deed and brought her home without looking for anything in return, more specifically information, was something he didn't do with anyone. Ever.

This change in his behavior was strange and came very spontaneously and he probably should thank Senju for this drastic change of his.

He sat on the motorcycle and watched as the girl walked away from him, little by little until she entered the house and he was left outside in the dark and cold night.

The hallway light turned on, lighting up the living room and a bit from the bathroom. The little he see from where he sat Mikey could tell that her home was a very cozy one.

He watched as the girl moved from here and there, him not realizing if she was dancing or going from a side to another.

Suddenly Senju sat on the couch and as she sat her head turned in his directions.Without doing anything else the girl jumped up and pulled the curtains blocking his view of the inside of the house. Mikey nodded, slightly amused by her behavior.

With a sigh he decided it was time to go. Senju would be safe and he had no reason to be here anymore. So without a second thought he started the engine and drove off the sidewalk.

He was going to cut it short, walking between the two old blocks to avoid going back and avoid going around. Just as he goes past the three dumpsters, something caught his eye.

Good luck with the lamp on the main street because the light, yellow and weak but still there, cast a shadow that went towards the nearby houses.

It was a quick move but made at an inopportune moment causing it to catch his attention later. Mikey didn't quite see what it was, it could be something insignificant, but he knew better.

Maybe it was just a teenager who had come home late after spending the evening with his friends, or maybe it was a person who had come home from work after finishing his shift.

Many plausible and normal answers that would be far more believable than anything Mikey was thinking of right now. But there was also the case that that person could be someone dangerous and with everything that happened these days he wasn't going to sit quietly without checking.

Because of his status nothing that happened around him was a coincidence or something insignificant, and now that there was someone else who was going to suffer badly because of him he couldn't leave before checking if what he saw it was just a cat, a dog or a person.

So Mikey turned off the vehicle's engine and slowly walked back to the girl's house. Detouring past the main street and following the trail of the shadow he had seen earlier.

Light and sure of himself, like a ferocious feline on the hunt, Mikey moved without making a sound as he approached his prey.

He didn't have a gun on him, leaving the it at home because he didn't want to attract anyone's attention, especially the girl he went out with earlier that day.

But that didn't matter at all to him. And with or without a weapon he was still going to stop anyone who planned to harm Senju, and he didn't need a weapon to look dangerous.

Moving on through the streets, staying away from any light that might give him away, dodging puddles of water or vomit or something more disgusting that he wouldn't think of, he went on.

The closer he got the more he tried to hear any sound that might indicate the source of the mysterious person.

After the last time he came here and the laps he took around the girl's house to make sure everything was fine, he could now tell that he was two blocks away from the back of Senju's house.

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