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Without realizing it, time had passed by them, and all three were now asleep where they could. 

Mikey was sleeping with his head on Senju's lap, Yuki was sitting on Mikey's abdomen and Senju was leaning against the tree trunk. 

After watching the two of them sleep for a short time, she had fallen into a deep sleep, leaving the world of dreams to embrace her. 

The sun was beginning to recede slightly from where it had come from, an orange sky with shades of red was present, as soon as it would turn black. 

In that storytelling scenario, the three of them were the main characters of the written story.  After a while, Mikey began to wake up because of the light that had entered his eyes. 

Trying to continue the sleep he needed, he had placed his right hand over his eyes, trying to stop the sun's rays. 

To no avail, he was awake but preferred to stay that way for a while. Maybe if he didn't move he could feel asleep again. But suddenly, reality woke him from all the sleep he had at that moment. 

He was sitting on something soft, his head was sitting on something soft, these were some of the few questions that went through his mind. 

But what shocked him the most was when he fell asleep and how he could really sleep at all.

The fact that he had fallen asleep in a public place where everyone could see him, and if anyone saw the Bonten sign on his neck, he was dead. 

He wasn't armed because he knew he was going to meet Senju and he didn't want to scare the girl.  So he decided to go without a gun, but if the police intervened now, he would have to run around the city for a while, which was very tiring. 

Leaving all negative thoughts aside, he wondered if it would be a good idea to open his eyes or not.  Mikey still didn't know what he was up to, but he didn't seem to want to get up. 

Suddenly he felt a small weight move on his stomach, making him realize that someone was sitting on him. 

After a moment's thought, he realizes what is really going on at the moment. Because of the wind and the sun, he knew he was outdoors, more precisely near the cherry tree. 

The light weight was definitely Yuki sitting on him and if the child was sitting on him it meant only one thing. 

And that was that his head was on Senju's lap.  Realizing this, Mikey wanted to get up, but stopped abruptly when he felt a hand in his hair. 

Senju woke up a little earlier, she still didn't know what to do, specifically whether to wake them up so she could leave or to let them be. 

In the end, she decided it wouldn't hurt to have let them five more minutes, so she let the two of them sleep some more. 

Her right hand had begun to caress his soft, silky hair, playing with it without her knowing that he was awake. 

Mikey decided not to say anything but just let the girl do what she wants without bothering her. Before he thought he wouldn't be able to stay in that position for long, but soon realized that he really liked the way Senju played with his hair. 

That fine touch of the girl made Mikey relax, letting him fell good. It wasn't long before the boy felt the slight weight on his abdomen rise slightly, and Yuki awoke from her slumber. 

Her feet were standing on either side of his stomach, Yuki rubbed both of her eyes, trying to win against sleep. When she had succeeded, she looked at Senju, who smiled at how adorable she could be. 

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