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The previous day had been a very crowded and busy one which meant that peace and quiet was a great prize for him, a prize he could not have. Many things happened, some unforeseen and very undesirable but which could not be avoided.

The place was in the process of being cleaned, either because of the blood or because of the lifeless bodies lying around the building.

That night was a very long one for Mikey simply because he couldn't look up from all those papers that were scattered on his bedroom desk.

Mikey tried to make sure this place would return to its former form by being a little more strict with the others than usual.

He made sure the place would be cleaned up, he also beefed up the security at each entrance, making sure the place looked like it did before, maybe even better.

The papers on his desk were strewn all over the place, at one point he didn't know which ones he checked and which ones he didn't.

Because he has no clue as to the identity of the mysterious masked man who is supposed to be dead, Mikey starts looking through the documents on his desk in an attempt to figure out what exactly those people are after.

So far nothing caught his attention, some papers were contracts, others were receipts or other unimportant things.

Nothing caught his attention or made him seem like he had found anything interesting. There was no sign of any top secret plan of theirs or anything, so the masked men certainly didn't find anything useful.

The important things he owned were in his other office where only he had access. There were contracts or forms related to a certain person's identity, usually one with a tragic end made by Mikey himself.

So now he was sorting through the things he still had on his desk. In the end he came to the realization that there was nothing there that could put him in a delicate situation, nothing special or important.

When he was all done he let a long, loud sigh escape his lips, glad that he had finally reached the end. He let his head rest against the back of the chair, staring at the dark ceiling, and trying to relax the muscles in his body.

Before, the sound of paper being thrown here and there could be heard, but now no sound was present in the bedroom.

Mikey closed his eyes for a few seconds, trying to stop the headache he had been having for more than a few hours. Although he wanted to lie down on his bed and try to sleep until the sun was high in the sky.

But as much as he would like that he can't, not because he doesn't want to, because he really wants that luxury that some people can option very easily.

But insomnia is something you can't deal with and he knows it best. The evenings are lonely and dark for him, becoming very similar to each other, without the slightest interest.

Sleep is a luxury he cannot have no matter what he might do. Nothing can help him reach the world of dreams that many enjoy every night.

He can't sleep at all, he can't dream, Mikey can't create his own happy ending. All he can do every night is lie on the bed and stare at a fixed point, doing nothing.

Sometimes he goes downstairs for a glass of water and he finds Sanzu or the two Haitania brothers in the living room fast asleep.

When he sees them so peaceful, the next day he doesn't even bother to draw their attention or forbid them to sleep where they end up.

But during the winter Mikey makes another exception, waking them up and telling them to go back to their rooms.

And every time the three ask him why he can't leave them alone, he doesn't answer them, not wanting to explain how he wouldn't want them to get a cold from the cold.

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