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✿hi again!✿

hope all of you are doing well! here is the second round of imagines of the maknaes... please continue reading to be the y/n to my imagines for the second time. I will be updating as much as I can despite my busy schedule. I usually get inspired by reading imagines on instagram so I will give credits to whichever post I read if I remember where I read it from. Usually, the drive to write the imagine is only after I feel bored and then start remembering about a story I read. 
Most of my imagines will be Idol au so the maknaes are celebrities just like they are in real life. However, I do not know them personally so I cannot confirm if any of the characteristics are the same. Do keep in mind that these are just IMAGINES, its how I want to imagine them to be like... do vote, comment and share this story around if you enjoy them! Please take care of yourselves and stay safe! <3


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