jimin : homesick

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when he gets homesick after being away from you for too long

It's been three months since you last saw your boyfriend who had been on world tour with his bandmates. You missed him like crazy even though you were so occupied with work as the collection was going to be released soon. Even though you and Jimin talk or text almost everyday, it's still different from actually talking to him face to face, or touching him even. Gosh, you miss his cuddles.

You've been so stressed at work. Everyone at work was practically running around since the collection was going to be released soon. There were more work than usual around the timing to ensure that the collection will all be released at the same time and all the basic stuff.

Since you were the CEO, you often stayed behind at work to ensure that everyone's work is done by it's due date. Jimin would get worried about you staying behind as you tend to go home around midnight every night which is pretty dangerous but you would always reassure him as you had a driver to drive you back home.

For Jimin, he couldn't stop thinking about you. He just wanted you with him throughout the whole tour but it would be unfair for you since you have a job to do. He was definitely missing you like crazy. He talked about you a lot to his members. When he skips meals, they would all threaten to tell you and he eventually ate so that you won't get worried and have another thing on your very full plate.

It was the fifth last show of the first half of the tour and he already couldn't take it. During rehearsals, he was so out of it. You two managed to text each other last night maybe once or twice but that was it due to the time difference. He would be awake when you're sleeping or when he's sleeping you'd be awake and free. He put his hood up as he practiced his vocals and dances for the soundcheck.

"Jimin-ah, you need to focus" Taehyung said.

Jimin just nodded, shaking his thought off. Not long until we reunite he thought.

The show went by really quick for him. When he hears the army cheer, it was all worth it. He forgets about everything. However, when they performed The Truth Untold, he immediately broke down into tears. He shook his head trying to stop the tears from flowing but he couldn't. The fans cheered him on after seeing him break down. He turned around and Jungkook covered for him. Right after the song ended, the stage went down and the boys immediately engulfed him in a hug.

"Yah... it's okay" Jin, being the oldest hyung, said while the other two watched him silently cry.

"Sorry, I just miss Y/N" he said in between his tears.

"You'll meet her soon alright..." Jin said rubbing his back.

The four of them walked back to their green rooms while he wiped his tears with the tissue that one of the staff handed him.

"Jimin-ah" Jhope cheered as the rest went to check up on him.

"Is everything okay?" Namjoon asked patting his back.

"He misses Y/N" Taehyung said.

Jimin just chuckled, shaking his head for crying on stage in front of army.

"Ya...You'll see her very soon alright," Suga said smiling patting his back.

After the concert ended and they were back at their hotel rooms all showered , he unexpectedly got a video call from Y/N. He quickly answered it to see her still in her bed with her eyes squinting due to the bright light from her phone.

"Yah... why are you awake? Isn't it like 5 there?" he asks.

"Yeah it is I think... I missed you" she said.

"I miss you so so so much. I can't explain how much I miss you. It's crazy... I just want to be there with you right now" he said.

"I saw your performance today... did my baby cry because he misses me?" you teased trying to bring the mood up.

Jimin just smiled and nodded.

"Your baby misses you so much that he cried in front of thousands of people" he said.

"I miss my baby too. So much that I would cry in front of all my workers" you said.

"How's the collection going?" he asks.

"Today's the release day... I'm so nervous about how people would react but i'm glad that it's releasing right now because so much has been happening over the past few days... can't wait to get THAT weight off my shoulders" you said.

"I'm sure everyone would love it. They saw me wear one of the unreleased clothing, that's from the new collection right?" Jimin asked.

You nodded.

"It'll do well just like all the other collections. You've worked so hard. I'm very proud of you" he said.

You couldn't help but just smile listening to him talk. You start to tear up and he immediately noticed.

"Noo baby why are you tearing up? Don't i'm gonna start crying too" he said panicking slightly causing you to laugh.

Your tears fell and you quickly wiped them while smiling.

"I miss you so much" you said.

"I'll be right back in your arms really soon. Just 4 more shows left and I'll fly back to you" he said wiping his own tears too.

"Ahh... i'm sorry, just do well for your other performances alright" you said.

"I will, I'll perform my best for the rest of the show left so I can finally have my break to spend it all with you" he said smiling.

"I can't wait" you smiled back.

After chatting for awhile more, you both decided to end the call as you had to get ready for your collection release. The day went by really smooth, the public indeed reacted positively about the new collection and were ready to get their hands on the items as soon as it's on sale. It was definitely a day to remember for both you and Jimin.

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