jungkook : family gathering 2

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the day after family gathering

You woke up to the sound of feet shuffling here and there in the room. As soon as you couldn't feel the warmth of Jungkook's arm around you and you reaching out to an empty bed, you opened your eyes. You squinted as you adjusted to the bright light in the room. You then noticed your boyfriend pacing around the room back and forth.

"No, I don't think any of my family members would do that. They were clear about it" Jungkook said frustratedly.

"Can't you find out how they got it? Just don't let them upload it" he added.

"Its our break! Can't we just do it over a call?" he said getting angrier.

"I know I know"

He ended the call with eyebrows furrowed and he sighed.

"What's wrong?" you asked worriedly.

"Dispatch has a picture of us in the house so someone at the gathering probably took the picture and sent it to them" Jungkook said.

"What? Is it all over social media? This can't be happening" you asked worriedly and quickly went on your phone.

Jungkook took away your phone and pulled you into a comforting hug.

"It's not been uploaded yet. They just warned the company. So we can convince them not to upload it... Don't worry baby. I won't let anything happen" he said assuringly even though he wasn't in the mood to go to the company and settle this.

After you both have showered and ate the breakfast, he drove the both of you to the company. Throughout the whole time, your mind was a complete mess. You were anxious because your relationship is not only known to your close ones but to strangers who received those photos. And it was about to be all over the internet if we can't convince them not to post.

You both made your way into the office where the meeting was held. Namjoon was with you guys since he had to be aware of things like this as he was the leader.

"Are you sure there wasn't anyone in the family that uploaded it on social media?" Namjoon asked as you three walked into the room.

"I'm sure hyung, I would have been tagged." Jungkook said.

You guys had a meeting with Bang PD first. He questioned about who was there and the possible people that could have taken the photo.

"wait. Your mom's neighbour" I said remembering about her.

"You think so?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course, who else could it be? I told you she wasnt just being friendly..."'you said.

"We can check with Dispatch later if it was really her. Or your mom's house is filled with security cameras right?" Bang PD asked to which Jungkook nodded.

"We can check the security footage if Dispatch doesn't disclose who sent them the photos. For now, you two need to stay low and away from dispatch. The team will try our best to stop the photos from getting onto the internet. You, need to ask your mom for whoever the neighbour's number is and our team will contact her" he instructed.

We both then bid our goodbyes and head to his studio. On the way there, he made a phone call to his mom.

"Mom, do you have your neighbour's phone number? the one who came to the gathering yesterday" he asked.

"Yeah, send it to me"

"Aish, ani~ I would never. She's with me right now" he said looking at you.

"There were photos of the both of us sent to dispatch from the gathering yesterday. We suspect she took it" Jungkook said.

"No, don't say anything about it to anyone. You can tell dad but no one else other than close family. Until the situation has been cleared." he said.

"Okay, I love you too" he said before ending the call.

By the time the call ended, you were already seated on the sofa in his studio on your phone. You were trying to distract yourself from panicking about the fact that your relationship could get exposed any time now. You were also anxiously reloading the social media pages in case it got released already. Jungkook noticed your anxious self and swiftly took your phone away from you and pulled you into a hug.

"It's going to be okay, I promise you. I will not let anything happen to our relationship. I love you so much. Do you trust me?" he said pulling away to give up a kiss on your forehead.

You nodded before he engulfed you again in a comforting hug, rubbing your back.

After awhile of Jungkook talking to the phone with someone, we were finally called to the office again. When we headed into the meeting room, it was just Bang PD, Namjoon and our PAs.

"So we already had a meeting with dispatch. They agreed not to upload the photos as we will be collaborating with them at the end of the year for their magazine and it would heavily impact the publicity. They have deleted the photos on their side but what we need to go into now is the person who sent them the photo. It is from Lia? Is this the person you were suspecting?" he asked.

"Yes, my mom's neighbour" Jungkook said a bit pissed off.

"Well, the team had already contacted her when you forwarded her number. We will take legal actions to avoid pictures from leaking. For now, you two really have to stay low" he adviced.

From then, we went home separately. All we could do for the whole week was stay at home or go to places separately. It didn't affect your relationship since it has been normal for you two not to go on dates in public due to both of your popularity but you guys always took the time off your busy schedule to spend as much time with each other.

In the end, Lia got charged for her actions and had to delete those photos off her phone. She also had to sign an NDA where she will not be able to bring up the topic on any social media platforms or she would be in big trouble.

"I told you, I won't let anything happen to our relationship" Jungkook said as he pulled you in for a passionate kiss.

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