taehyung : visiting his birthday projects

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when you bring him to see his birthday projects

"I saw one of your birthday poster near the mall just now" you said as you walked into the shared room.

Taehyung who was in bed watching his netflix show put his hand out to signal you to come into his arms. You smiled and made your way into his arms, making him pull you down on top of him.

"You're so warm" you said while snuggling into his neck.

"How was your girls day?" he asked as he snuggled close to you.

"It was great, Jin joined us halfway because he was around the area... apparently, but i think he just couldn't be away from Chaeyong unnie for too long" you chuckled.

"What, you didn't tell me that we could join, I would've went" he pouted.

"It was suppose to be just girls day anyway jin was there for awhile too" you said trying to cheer him up.

"You can definitely join us next time with the rest of the boys" you said squeezing his cheeks together.

"I most definitely will" he said smiling and then leaning in to peck your lips.

"Let's go see your birthday projects, it's beautiful" you said.

"Now? Isn't it too late?" he asked looking at the time.

"Even better, there will be no one" you said standing up from the comfortable spot.

He got up too and got ready wearing warm clothing since it's practically freezing outside. His hair was fluffy as ever, I just want to run my hands through his hair again and again.

"Let's go" he said holding your hand then bringing you out to the apartment carpark.

"I'll drive" you said and got into the drivers seat while he sat in the passenger's.

"Was it big? Like were there a lot of people?"he asked.

"It is big... there were a lot of people too taking pictures" you said.

"But looking at the time now, I don't think anyone would be there, especially since it's a school night" you said looking at the time which showed that it was past midnight.

You parked the car at Hybe since the project was placed near Hybe then you both got out and made your way there.

"Wow! It's big!" Taehyung said looking at the blown up doll of him.

"Look, it's all your songs" you said as you pointed at the little runway that was leading to the blown up doll.

"Come, I'll take a video" you say as he stood at the very end.

"Okay, I'm recording" you said and he started walking while you follow him to record.

He seemed so happy which made you even happier than seeing this project for the first time. You were glad that people loved him so much to do this for him.

"Take a picture with the doll" you said as he stood in front of it.

Instead of taking a picture, you took a video.

"It's kinda embarrassing... are your done? Let's go quickly" he said cutely causing you to giggle at his cuteness.

He made his way to you and the camera then gave a cheeky kiss to your lips before going back to see the runway with all his songs.

You took a few pictures of the scenery and with him in it. After awhile, it was getting even more colder. You placed your hands in your pocket to warm it while you were walking around.

"Should we go? It's so cold" Taehyung said.

"Okay let's go" you said as you both made your way back to the hybe building and into your car.

"See, your fans loves you so much" you said as you drove off from the carpark.

"I'm touched" he said looking out the window as we drove past the project again.

You turned on the radio and old songs came on making you both sing along. You two sang and sang until you both finally reached the apartment.

"Can you send me the videos? I want to post on my instagram story" he said.

You sent him the videos then went to take a shower.

Taehyung posted the video without realising that the second video that you took of him with the blown up doll had a short part at the end where you giggled. He also uploaded a video of him singing in the car.

Fans were quick to notice it but they were more excited about how Taehyung visited the birthday project. Furthermore, they just suspected you as one of the staff who accompanied him since it was near hybe building. Little did they know, there was a shop owner who was closing down her shop near the birthday project who watched and took a picture of the both of you...


happiest birthday to the kim taehyung!!! I'm so proud of how far he has grown and become as a singer, idol, artist and as a human. I will continue to support him and his music career for as long as he goes on. To many more years with him!!!

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