jungkook : glow

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when fans notice how Jungkook has been so happy and more talkative

"We'll start filming in 20 minutes!" The director said.

Jungkook had a whole day of schedule so he invited you to meet him on the RunBTS set. He was currently resting his head on your shoulder trying to sleep as he was pretty tired.

"Sorry to disturb you two love birds, I have to touch up Jungkook's makeup" Ara, the make up staff said.

"Kookie, they need to touch up your make up" you said lifting his head softly.

He just put his head up and let the make up artist do her job as he continued to get some sleep. You chuckled at how tired he is and ran your hands through his hair, pushing it back a little.

"Has he been eating well?" you asked Ara.

"Yes, he didn't eat breakfast today though when they served them this morning" she said.

"I wasn't hungry" Jungkook mumbled with his eyes still closed.

"You should eat breakfast babe, it gives you energy for the day...especially how busy your schedule is today" you said.

"I know... I was just too tired to eat," he said looking at me.

"Do you want anything right now? I'm sure they have some food on set" you said looking around.

"It's okay, I ate dinner before you came here. Have you eaten?" he asked and you nodded.

Once his make up was done, he scooted closer to you again. Wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder.

"Baby, you make up is going to get ruined" you said playing with his fluffy hair.

He sighed and lifted his head up. He kissed your cheek many times causing you to grin. His bunny smile appeared as soon as he saw you grinning. He continued kissing you all over your face before pecking your lips.

"I love you so much" he said kissing your lips again.

"I love you more" you teased, pecking his lips back.

"No, that's not possible" he said.

"Well, I don't know how you'll take this but... it is possible" you said.

"No i love you the most" he said not giving up.

"I love you more than most" you replied.

He huffed and started tickling you causing you to burst out laughing. He grinned scrunching his nose to the sound of your laughter. He missed it after being so busy with the schedule for days.

"Stop" You whined trying to get out of his grip.

"Jimin! Help!" you said as you saw Jimin smiling at the both of you.

Jimin rushed and tickled Jungkook who immediately fell back on the couch. You took the opportunity to tickle him back. His laughter could be heard throughout the whole set as Jimin and I tickled him.

"Okay okay stop" Jungkook said in between laughters.

"Shooting will start in 5 mins!" the director announced.

You and Jimin moved away after laughing so much. Jungkook sat back up, trying to catch his breath.

"Yah! That was unfair, you had another person to help you" he said pouting.

"Jungkook-ah, you are such a baby" Jimin said laughing while walking away.

"My baby" you cooed pecking his pouting lips causing him to smile and blush.

"I love you, I'll be back" he said as they called for him.

Throughout the whole filming, Jungkook was very cheerful, active and just grinning all the time. He glanced at you a lot and smiled like a teenage boy in love. He had so much energy in him as compared to before the filming started. As you laughed along with the crew as the boys did something funny, you would see Jungkook looking at you and scrunching his nose when he's grinning. He would purposely try to make you laugh too.

After the filming was finished, they got off the set laughing and smiling. I loved how genuine their friendship was and how every moment with each other seemed like the best time they had. Jungkook made his way to you and wrapped his arm around your figure tightly.

"Let's go home" he said excitedly as you took your purse and took out your car keys.

"Thank you everyone for today" Jungkook said while bowing to the crew.

"Y/N! Come again next time! Jungkook did great today! Maybe you're his lucky charm" The director said smiling.

"Hahaha, we'll see! Thank you, see you soon" you said bowing at him and the rest of the crew nearby.

Jungkook grinned at you then intertwining your fingers with his.

"Bye Hyungs" he yelled waving at the boys who were getting ready to leave too.

"Bye! Bye Y/N" they said waving at you.

"Bye!" you said while waving back at them.

"They are so in love with each other" Hobi said smiling at the two couple laughing as they walked out the room.

"No shit, have you seen how Jungkook acts around her. It's like he won first prize all the time, it's so cute" Jimin said.

"He definitely found his person" Taehyung said.

"He's glowing with her" Yoongi said. 


Fans's tweets

he is definitely in love look at how happy jungkook is these days

i'm not mad that he has a girlfriend i just want to see her

pls i want a boyfriend jungkook pov but irl

to whoever that is making jungkook like this i love you so much thank you

jungkook is GLOWING these days love that for him

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