jimin : new years

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when he spends his new year with you and your family

"baby, we're here" he cooed, caressing your thigh as you slowly woke up from it.

You were a light sleeper so even the smallest things could wake you up. You squinted your eyes as your adjusted to the light and stretched your arms.

"Looks like we're the last ones here" Jimin chuckled looking at the cars that were already parked on the driveway.

You chuckled too and opened the car door. Jimin turned off the car engine then got out of the car and rushed over to your side to help you up as you lazily put out your hand for him to do so.

"Yah, what did you do at the company today? Why are you so tired?" Jimin chuckled as he pulled you up and closed the door for you.

"We practiced for the new comeback and the special stage performance all at once" you tiredly say. 

"Wow" Jimin said raising his eyebrows, surprised.

You reached the front door of the house and rang the doorbell. The door was quick to open and you saw your mom.

"Ah! Y/N! Jimin! You're finally here!" she said pulling you both in and pulling you both into a hug.

"Annyeong" you both greeted back.

"Guys! the VIPS have arrived!" she said and everyone turned to the both of you.

"Mom" you whined as you and Jimin were suddenly in the spotlight.

You both bowed in the direction of everyone as they cheered and welcomed you. Your aunties were quick to head to the both of you and gush.

"Yah, you two have grown up so well! Both of you...I always see you guys on tv! So successful" she gushed.

"ahh, thank you" Jimin smiled and bowed.


Jimin was smiling he whole time. His cheeks could literally turn sore by the end of the night if he kept smiling but it was genuine. He loved hanging out with your family and they welcomed him so well.

"Jimin! Y/N!" your dad said making his way over to the both of you.

"Dad!" you said excitedly as he brought you into a hug.

Then pulling Jimin into a hug too.

"It's been a long time... have you been treating my girl well?" he asked teasingly.

"Of course sir." Jimin cheekily smiled.

"That's good to hear" he said patting his back.

They both got into a conversation so you excused yourself and made your way to the washroom. After you finished using the bathroom, you walked back down the hallway.

"Oh hey Y/N" you heard a familiar voice call you.

You looked up and met the guy who you didn't expect to be here.

"Oh hey Eric" you said.

"It's been awhile, how are you?" he said leaning closer to you.

"I'm good," you said not asking him back as you wanted to go back to wherever Jimin was.

"It's been so long since we have met. I've missed you" he said.

"Yeah.." you nodded awkwardly.

"Don't you miss me too?" he asked leaning in closer.

"Sorry Eric. I do not have any feelings for you. I'm still with Jimin if you didn't know" you said taking some steps away.

"Ya of course you're with him. Why would you fall for a normal guy like me. You would definitely want another idol like you" he said.

"Eric- You know it's not like that, I-"

"Baby," Jimin called as he made his way to you.

"Do you want a drink?" he asked as he wrapped an arm around your waist.

He just nodded at the guy who was standing in front of you. He knew who he was as they had a little problem last time when they met. But Jimin knew the whole story.

"Let's go" you said taking his hand in yours then moving off.

"Gosh. when is he going to stop" you said.

Jimin just chuckled. "Does he know that he's never going to get you?"

You fluttered at the comment. You just shook it off and joined the rest who were at the backyard, getting ready for the countdown.

"You didn't drink right?" you asked looking up at Jimin.

He shook his head. " It was hard for me not to, but I have to drive us home" he said pulling you closer.

"Good. I wouldn't be able to drive us home either, I'm too tired." you say.







"happy new year!!!!!"

"Happy new year baby" Jimin said leaning in and you both shared a passionate kiss.

You felt him smile through the kiss and you smiled too.

"happy new year" you said as your noses were touching.

"I love you" he said pecking your lips again.

"I love you" you said pecking his nose.

He pulled you into his chest as you both watched the fireworks. Jimin looked around him and realised that he felt at home. This was like his second home. He kissed your head and watched the fireworks go off again and again as everyone celebrated and welcomed a new year in hopes that it would be better than the previous one .


Happy new year everyone!!!! Hope 2022 would be a better year for all of us! I also hope that the pandemic situation will be calmer this year so that we can go back to living the life we had always lived. To be honest, I'm missing concerts so much and I hope we will be able to attend those soon. Please continue to be considerate of others, wear masks, take your vaccines and take care of one another. Please stay safe! Happy new year :)

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