jungkook : 97 line

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when you and Jungkook are being the most shipped k-idols in the 97 line friend group

"Are you going back home?" Naeun asked as we were packing our stuff after a long day of practice.

"No, the 97 liners are going to have dinner together" you replied.

"okay, don't go home too late, we have another long day tomorrow" the leader advised.

"yes unnie" you said.

You and Aera then left the room after bidding our goodbyes and went into the car that was already waiting for us. Most of the 97 liners were already at the venue and only the both of us were arriving late due to our schedule.

"Are you excited to see Jungkook?"she teased as we were reaching the venue.

"Yah... it's nothing like that" you said looking out the window watching the snow fall ever so lightly.

You wished it was something like that. You and Jungkook have been best friends since school and you both got to debut in the same year in different groups. Throughout the years, you definitely gained feelings for him but you would always brush it off knowing that nothing would happen because of our busy schedules and how you can't really date in this industry, well not
publicly at least. Fans seem to notice you two stealing glances at each other at award shows and would always point out about how you two would be the best looking couple if you two ever got together. You two were definitely the biggest ship in the industry since both were from the biggest most successful group.

Anyone in the friend group could basically see how in love they both were but the two of them. They would purposely tease them by calling their ship name and announcing them as a couple everytime they get too distracted with each other.

"We're here" the driver said.

You both walked into the restaurant where you all often gathered at and were quickly greeted by them.

"Finally the princesses are here! Jungkook, you can finally eat your meal" Bambam teased.

"Annyeong" we greeted and exchange hugs to all of them.

"Hey, it's been long" Jungkook whispered as he engulfed you in a hug.

"I know right!" you said cheerfully.

You both then naturally got into a comfortable conversation like you two always do. No matter how long you guys were away from each other for, there was never an awkward moment.

"speaking of Vernon...y/n! He told me he bumped into you at the radio show that day"Mingyu said.

"Oh yeah! I did! I didn't expect him to be that tall" you said.

"Yeah he is. I think he's pretty keen of you, he couldn't stop telling the members about him
bumping into you" Mingyu smirked.

"nonsense" you said rolling your eyes at him.

"Okay but what if he asks me for your number though? Can i give him?" he asked.


"No" Jungkook said quicker than I could response.

Everyone stopped and just stared at him.

"N-no. As in, he should ask her himself if he actually wanted her number" Jungkook said trying to cover up.

"Ya sure Jungkook" Yugyeom who was sitting on the other side of him patted his knees.

"I'm gonna go take a walk, I'll come back soon"Jungkook said and quickly walked out the restaurant.

The girls giggled and the boys smirked at the situation.

"Go get him y/n" Yugyeom said after seeing how concerned you look.

You nodded and made your way out the restaurant too. You were familiar with the places around here since it was somewhere you and Jungkook loved to spend time at. There was a park nearby that overlooks the Han River and you two would always go there to do your homeworks, or just hang out after school. You decided to head towards the park that wasn't that far from the restaurant in hopes that Jungkook would be there.

Indeed, he was there sitting on the bench that we always sat at last time. It was getting really cold outside so you pulled your coat closer to your body and put your hands inside the pockets of the coat to keep them warm.

"It hasn't changed that much"you said as you were walking towards him.

He turned to face you looking surprised at your presence.

"Why are you here? it's cold" he said.

"Why are YOU here? It's cold too" you questioned him back.

"Go back Y/N, I'll be back. I just need a breather"he said.

"What's wrong Jungkook?"You asked as you sat beside him on the bench and it automatically brings back the memories of you two when you were younger.

"If you're not going to speak I'm just gonna go back home actually" you said after all he did was sigh at your question.

"Okay okay. I-.. I just have a lot of things in my mind" he said truthfully.

"I know what I'm about to say next may shock you or ruin whatever we have right now... but I've thought a lot about it and I can't seem to brush it off. I like you Y/N... I've liked you since we were in school... I just never said it because we both got to debut at the same time and it was a risk to date at that time and considering how busy we both were all the time... I didn't think it would work so I tried to stop myself from having those feelings, thinking that all the work will distract me from it but everything I do, I would
think about you. Like would she like this song? Would she be here for the concert? What is she doing? Hope she's eating well... I don't know, if
you don't feel the same way it's okay. I understand. There's a whole line of boys who are
deeply in love with you waiting for you. I just hope this doesn't ruin our friendship.." he said.

You smiled. Your heart rate got so much faster after he confessed.

"I'm sorry, I'll just leave right now" he said after not hearing any response from you. He stood up and walked away but you quickly stood up and pulled him to you.

"I've always liked you Jungkook... I thought it was obvious that I do but I guess not. I too thought about our careers and tried to stop myself from having feelings for you but I genuinely still have the feelings despite trying to distract myself from it. I don't care about the boys who are lining up for me. I like you and only
you" you said.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile brightly at you.

"Really? You do? You're not only saying this out of pity right?" He said.

"Of course I'm not. I would never do that," you said.

He then engulfed you in a tight hug. Pulling away from the hug, his palms rested on your cheeks.

"Can I kiss you right now?" he asked.

You smiled and nodded and he leaned in and you both shared a passionate kiss. It was something you both had always wanted to do. After years, finally you both realised your feelings towards each other and were able to confess.

"I've always wanted to do that" Jungkook said after pulling away.

He then removed his scarf and put it around your neck.

"You need it more than me. You're so cold aren't you?" he said knowing how easily cold you get.

You nodded giggling a bit.

"Let's go back in" he said before leading you back on the pavement and towards the direction of the restaurant.

Little did they know, there was a man hiding behind a tree with a camera capturing those moments.

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