taehyung : sending him off

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when you send him off at the airport to New York

"Are you sure you've packed everything?" you asked as you went into the living room.

"Yes babe, even if I forgot something, one of the staff would probably have an extra" he said closing the bag.

You looked at him sadly causing him to chuckle and make his way over to you.

"What's with the sad face huh?" he smiled resting his hands on your waist.

"I'm going to miss you" you said.

"I'll miss you too, a lot. I'll only be gone for 4 days" he said.

"It's been long since you went overseas and now I'm just anxious" you said.

"I'm sure I'll be alright. I'll call you as soon as I land. I'll call you everyday when I have the time to okay" he said.

You smiled before hugging him.

"I'm so proud of you boys. Representing our country to the whole world. This is a big thing" you said.

"I wouldn't be able to make it this far without the support from others. People like you" He said kissing your forehead.

Your little moment got disrupted by the doorbell ringing.

"It must be Jae" Taehyung said before opening the door.

"Hey, the car is here, where are your bags?" he asked.

Taehyung pointed to the bag on the floor and Jae came in to pick it up, greeting you too after noticing your presence. Tae held your hand as you both made your way to the car.

"Have the others arrived?" Taehyung asked as Jae drove off from the house.

"They picked Jimin and Jungkook up together, i think they're reaching. Jin and his wife are on the way, Namjoon and Jhope have already arrived" He said.

Throughout the whole journey, Taehyung was just practicing his lines for the UN speech. You laid your head on his shoulder and his left hand held yours as you listened to him read from his phone. You could tell he was nervous but only because he wanted to do well in the speech and avoid messing up.

"You'll do well babe, I'll be watching you" you said softly after he ended his little practice session.

"You better be watching, i'm there to make you proud" he smirked.

"I will, I'll make fun of you if you mess up" you said poking your tongue out.

He scrunched his face and leaned in to peck your lips.

"Don't stay up too late though. I know the time difference and all. Just text me if you need anything alright" he remind.

"You too... make sure you get enough rest" you said.

"They'll be filming you when you arrive. Also, there are a lot of paparazzis waiting. I'm not sure if Y/N should go in to the airport at all" Jae said.

"It's okay, I can just send him off here in the car" you said.

Once you arrived, you saw other cars too parked at the lobby. You also saw lots of their camera crew, filming the arrival of the boys. Taehyung and you stayed in the car for awhile before he hugged you real tight.

"I'll miss you... take care of yourself when i'm gone" he said softly as his face was hidden in your neck.

"I'll miss you too. Have fun in New York, make us proud. I love you" you said running your hands through his hair.

He pecked your neck before pulling away and leaning in to give you a long passionate kiss.

"I'll miss that" he said after pulling away.

"You're gonna come home soon babe" you chuckled causing him to laugh too.

"I love you," he dragged before leaving the car.

He bend down and leaned in to peck your lips before waving and closing the door. You watched as the camera crew filmed him going in the elevator and he waved at you on last time. You smiled and waved back. You were so proud of the boys for coming this far. You're even more proud of Taehyung for going this far knowing how much he had struggled. It was to the point where proud was an understatement of how you're feeling right now.


this is pretty late, i wrote this when they went to new york for UN. but really, i'm still so proud of how far they have come. Like ?? This is literally a huge thing and I'm so glad to be in the same era as all of this happening.

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