jimin : just the two of us

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when you both went to the beach to catch the sunrise in LA

"are you awake?" Jimin said in his morning voice with his eyes closed after feeling you turning around to face him.

"Mmhmm... I couldn't sleep properly" you said.

"I can tell, let's go to the beach" he said opening his eyes to meet yours.

"This early?" you said as you reached out for your phone to check the time.


"We can catch the sunrise" Jimin said.

"Who's going to drive us there?" you ask.

"Jay, he's probably awake by now" Jimin said reaching out for his phone too to message jay.

And indeed, Jay agreed as he was already awake. You both got out of bed, changed into something more presentable. You wore one of Jimin's hoodie and your sweatpants while Jimin wore a hoodie and sweatpants too.

"It's so cold" you said and made your way to Jimin who was fixing his hair in the bathroom.

You wrapped your arms around his torso causing him to quickly finish up fixing his hair and wrap his arms around you.

"Is it better now?" he asked and you nodded hiding your face in his chest.

Just in time, his phone buzzed and it was Jay saying that he was already ready and waiting for us at the carpark. Jimin intertwined your fingers together as your both walked down the hallway to the elevator.


"Wow, there's no one here" Jimin said as you both made your way to the calm sea.

"Of course there isn't, it's like 5am" you chuckled.

He ran to the sea and you took a picture of him just staring out to the sea. It was still dark but with a bit of light behind him.

"Come baby" he called out to you.

You made your way to him and put your feet in the sea together with him.

"It's cold!!!" you said removing your feet from the sea causing him to laugh.

You both sat down on the sand and just stared out to the sea. You laid your head on Jimin's shoulder as he looked down at you smiling.

"I love this" he said.

"Me too, I wish we can do this often" you replied.

"We can princess, I'll make it happen often" he said kissing your forehead.

You looked up at him placing your chin on his shoulder. He looked down at you glancing from your eyes to your lips smiling.

"I love you" you cooed.

"I love you so much" he said before leaning in to kiss you.

You both shared a passionate kiss with the cool breeze of the sea and the sound of the waves crashing calmly. Everything was peaceful. You felt at peace with him.


Weverse post

Jimin🌟 : went to the beach to catch the sunrise it was beautiful, I felt so peaceful. I will forever remember the time spent here.

commentsjhope🌟: who took this picture? V 🌟: why didn't you invite me Jungkook 🌟: why are you so small Namjoon🌟 : No wonder you were missing in the morning Suga 🌟: He came back exaggerating how freezing it was Jin 🌟: where was my invitation

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jhope🌟: who took this picture?
V 🌟: why didn't you invite me
Jungkook 🌟: why are you so small
Namjoon🌟 : No wonder you were missing in the morning
Suga 🌟: He came back exaggerating how freezing it was
Jin 🌟: where was my invitation

With the boys' comments, fans started to wonder if Jimin went alone or with someone else. To answer their question, Jimin uploaded a video of the waves crashing and in the background was the sound of your soft voice and laughter when he accidentally slipped. Teasing the fans that he had a special someone with him.

Jimin🌟 : Almost slipped 😓

* video *

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