jimin: misunderstanding 2

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when he plans to fly to you

"Hyung, we don't have any important schedule for the next few days right?" Jimin asked after they finished their schedule today.

"No, are you planning to go see Y/N?"Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, I just called her this morning and she seemed so upset. She was trying to hide it too, which I feel is worse..." Jimin said.

"You should go... I would be upset too if I hear a rumour about my partner when I'm not around and at a complete different side of the world..." Namjoon said.

"Okay, I will... probably 3 days? Is that okay?" Jimin asked making sure that it doesn't clash with anything important.

"You have nothing for the rest of the week, it's your rest week," Namjoon said.

After their little discussion, Jimin went to their manager and asked him to get tickets to fly to New York. He got the earliest flight which was tomorrow morning. He packed as soon as he went home, excited to fly to his baby.

The next morning, he woke up and texted Y/N just like he always had. He just texted her that he would be a little busy today so he might not reply to her texts even though she's probably sleeping. He got into the car that was ready for him to drive him to the airport.

When he went in the airport, there weren't as many people as he thought there would be considering it was pretty early in the morning but nonetheless, there were still plenty of people. He obviously wore discrete clothing as he didn't want to get noticed by people. It would be weird if the fans saw him at the airport ALONE without the boys...

Since he had already told Rose about his plans to fly over, Rose had gave him the hotel details and Y/N's room number. Since he would be arriving really early in the morning there, he would expect Y/N to be asleep.

Time skip : reached New York

Once he reached New York, he saw your bodyguard Jae waiting for him.

"Hey! It's been long" Jimin said.

"It has... Let's hurry before anyone sees you, there's a lot of people here" Jae said as he escorted Jimin to the car.

Once they arrived at the hotel, Jae gave Jimin your room card.

"Why do you have her room card?" Jimin teased, acting angry.

"Dude, i'm her security when you're not around, if anything happens, i'm in trouble" he said.

"That's right. You'd be in a big big trouble, thanks for keeping her safe" Jimin said before Jae left.

He opened your room door to see you sleeping peacefully wrapped in the duvet. He smiled to himself after seeing you hug chimmy, the big plushie that he gifted you before you went for tour.

He removed his bag and jacket and slowly made his way to you. He removed Chimmy from your grip causing you to stir in your sleep.

You reached out for Chimmy but when you couldn't, you open your eyes and shrieked when your saw a male figure standing in front of you causing Jimin to chuckle.

"Jimin? Am I dreaming?" You said rubbing your eye.

"I don't know, are you?" He said going down to lay next to you.

"If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up" you said as he wrapped his arms around you.

You snuggled closer to him, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.

"I've missed you so much"he said, pulling you closer.

"Why are you here?" You said tiredly.

"I came for you... I wanted to make sure you know that nothing happened, I love you so much, I wouldn't do anything that could possibly hurt you, I promise" he said leaning away to cup your face.

"I know... It just hurts to see all the fans shipping you guys together... they actually loved it"you said softly not looking into his eyes.

"I love you and only you... I don't care if the fans ship me with her, I'm with you. They are not part of my relationship so what they think don't matter, please baby" Jimin said trying his best to reassure you.

You nodded. He leaned in and kissed you.

"I will literally post a picture of you and I'm 100% sure the fans would ship it" Jimin said snuggling closer to you.

"You're gonna get us in trouble" you laughed.

"I don't care, the whole world needs to know that you're the love of my life" Jimin said.

You shook your head laughing.

You stayed in a little longer than usual in the arms of your boyfriend who you had been longing for...

KoreaNews: Jimin was seen alone at Korea International Airport leaving Korea... Where is he going?

BTSupdates: Jimin was spotted alone at Korea airport leaving to New York

BTSupdates: Jimin was spotted in New York airport, with singer Y/N's bodyguard... we are not aware of his schedule or the boys' schedule for this week

fanaccount: omg why is Jimin in New York and with Y/N's BODYGUARD???!!!!

Fanaccount: Do they have the same bodyguard? Or did Jimin go to New York FOR Y/N?! OMG I SHIPPPP


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