jungkook : new tattoo

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when he got a tattoo that was inspired by you

As you gained popularity in the industry, you have gathered many fans who supported and loved you for your work. Before you debuted, you and the BTS boys had always been close friends and now nothing has changed. You guys were still close, just that your boyfriend now is Jungkook. He had been nothing but a wonderful boyfriend to you. Of course it was hard at first, knowing how many girls would want to be in your position right now, but he reassured you that you two were going to make it work. And he kept to his promise.

You two had been dating for almost 2 years now. Despite both of your busy schedules, you guys managed to spend more time with each other than expected. Of course, all of this happening without the public knowing or else chaos is about to break out.

You had lost your grandmother recently and she was a huge part of your life. It was difficult to cope with everything that is happening. Your songs were on the top of the charts and you got a lot of collaborations and was offered a lot of interviews to promote yourself even more. She passed away when you got ere in the midst of all that. Jungkook was as there for you throughout that period. He took care of you when you were at your lowest. Till this day, you haven't fully processed what happened and it still seemed surreal that she was gone.

You were in the studio with your producer and your teddy bear that was gifted to you from your beloved grandmother. This was the first present you got when you debuted and you remember vividly how excited and happy she was for you. Now, you felt like you couldn't go anywhere without the teddy. It was your source of comfort.

"We'll finish up the chorus and you can head home alright?" Jongki said.

Your crew sympathised with you. They were extra careful and took care of you well. Jungkook was always worried about you knowing how fragile you were in that period of time. You weren't fully stable to even do work but because it's basically your career, you couldn't just stop.

Jungkook would always drop by your studio to spend lunch with you or dinner or sometimes just to pick you up. Whenever he had a free time or free space in his schedule, he would go to you.

"Can we redo it one more time, it's not good" you said.

"Y/N, you have been in this studio from 8 in the morning. It's already 11pm... this is already good"he said.

"It's not perfect yet" you replied.

"Y/N, the due date for this song is still long, you have so much time to work on it. I already think this is good," he said.

You heard the door unlock and Jungkook popped his head in.

"Baby? You're still here?"he asked.

"Yeah" you said looking down at the paper you were holding.

"Please take her home Jungkook, she's done well but she still wants to redo this part" Jongki said.

Jungkook sighed and helped you pack your stuff.

"She's been here from 8 in the morning" Jongki said as he cleared his stuff too.

"We can go through it again tomorrow okay Y/N?" he said.

You nodded as he left the room leaving you two alone.

"It's already late... you've been here the whole day, let go home shall we?" Jungkook said putting his hand out for you.

You both then went to his car and he drove back home. When you both were in bed, he held you close to him.

"How are you feeling?" he whispered, rubbing your back.

"I miss her" you said honestly.

"I know you do... I miss her too" he said.

"I still can't believe she's not here... when all of this is happening, she's not here to experience this with me" you said as you felt yourself wanting to cry soon.

"Baby... people don't last forever... nothing lasts forever.. that's the honest truth. I know you're upset about losing her, I am too... but know that she is really happy up there watching you achieve so many things in your career. She's proud of you. She's there watching you every single day. She will always be there with you baby... I'm sure she'd hate to see you ruin your health because of her," Jungkook said pulling your face away from his neck and placing his hands on your cheeks.

You just nodded accepting his words. You understood that. You knew you had to move on from it.

He held you close to him as you traced his tattoos. It was something you always did to calm yourself down and he loved it.

"You have an empty space here" you pointed out.

"Yeah, should I get something there?" he said.

" I don't know, it's your body, it's your choice" you said.

He hummed in response and you felt yourselves get sleepier.

"Go to sleep hmm? I love you so much" he said before you both drifted off to sleep.

A few days after, you felt yourself getting better. You were focusing more on your music and releasing an album. You were more lively, positive and motivated to finish up the album as days go by.

One day, you went home tired from a full day in the studio. Jungkook came home later than you and once you both were in bed. You noticed he had a plastic wrap around his arm.

"Did you get a new tattoo?" you asked.

"Mmhmm" he said showing the fresh tattoo.

Your eyes widened when it landed on the new tattoo. It was a cute outline of your teddy. The one your grandmother gifted you when you debuted. Your initial was also written right beside the bear. You couldn't help but cry at the sight of it.

"Wait, why are you crying? Don't you like it?" Jungkook said worriedly pulling you into a hug.

"I love it... this is so precious baby" you cried.

"I'm glad you love it. Now you will have teddy everywhere with you when you're with me" he said kissing your forehead and wiping your tears.

"I love you so so much" he said before leaning in and kissing you passionately.

"I love you" you smiled after pulling away.

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