taehyung : lockscreen

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when he accidentally showed his lockscreen to the live

You were currently on the bed of the hotel room that you shared with Taehyung. You were on a break after a successful world tour. Since you had been longing for Tae, you decided to visit him in New York, where he will be performing tomorrow. You were both in a healthy relationship for almost 2 years already, successfully keeping it a secret from the fans.

Taehyung, Jin and Jungkook were in the room too. They planned to go live for the fans since the fans had requested a live for the longest time. I was leaning on the headboard while being on my phone and Jungkook was lying on the bed diagonally. Taehyung and Jin were setting up the camera.

"Noona, look at this video" Jungkook said showing me a video of a kitten running funnily causing both to burst out laughing.

"Yah, I really want a kitten but I know I can't have it right now" you said.

"Why not?"

"Who's going to take care of them when i'm busy with schedule?" you asked.

"You can send them to a cat hotel, that's what Lisa do" Jungkook suggested.

You thought about it for awhile but your thoughts were disrupted when Taehyung called Jungkook over.

"We're starting the live now!" Jin announced.

"I'm not in the frame right?" you asked making sure they check.

"Yep, you're fine" Taehyung said as he sat down on the chair that they have placed in front of the phone.

You sat quietly on your phone, watching kdrama with your earpiece on. After finishing a whole episode, the boys were still on live chatting with the fans. You felt yourself getting sleepier so you laid down fully on the bed. You smiled looking at the boys laugh among themselves and joke around with each other together with the fans. Taehyung then made eye contact with you and smiled softly at your sleepy state. He excused himself and made his way towards you.

"You can sleep first, I don't think they're ending it soon" he said leaning down to kiss your forehead.

"Cuddle?" you pouted and he chuckled.

"I wish I could but the fans would be suspicious of my sudden disappearance. I promise I'll cuddle you as soon as it ends" he said kissing your cheek.

You raised your arm and he immediately gave you a hug.

"Sleep well baby" he said pecking your neck.

"Love you" you said.

"I love you" he replied as he walked back to the frame with a grin.

"They want to see Yeontan update" Jungkook said as Taehyung came back.

Taehyung scrolled through his photos which were mostly pictures of either you, yeontan or the boys. He picked a picture of Yeontan looking really happy with his tongue out and it was during a walk with you.

"This is him on walks. He loves going outdoors"Taehyung said showing the picture to the live.

He accidentally locked his phone and when he raised the phone, it showed his lockscreen which was a picture of you, him and yeontan. He quickly removed the phone away from the frame as Jin and Jungkook laughed at the mistake.

"Yah!Yah! Taehyung what is that?" Jin said teasing him.

"Jinjja it was nothing" Taehyung said blushing looking down before continuing to show the picture of Yeontan again. Jungkook and Jin just laughed at the boy who just exposed his relationship.

"So that's a yeontan update...I'm getting tired" Taehyung said trying to change the topic and act like nothing happened.

"You can sleep, this is your hotel room, we'll leave soon" Jin said.

"Hyung, we should just go back to our room now"Jungkook said.

"Oh yeah, good idea maknae" Jin said laughing.

"I'll take my leave now, goodnight everyone, it was nice chatting with all of you. I love you all, see you tomorrow" he said to the camera.

Jin and Jungkook carefully filmed themselves trying not to get anything that was not suppose to be shown, in the frame. After they have left, Taehyung turned off the main lights and climbed into the bed with you who was sleeping peacefully. He chuckled at the thought of how tired you must be if you're sleeping despite all the noise coming from the boys.

He pulled you closer to his chest and kissed your forehead.

"I love you so much" he said before falling asleep.

the next day

taehyungupdates: Taehyung, Jin and Jungkook on VLIVE!


armytaetae: ITS Y/N!!!! PLS OMG I THINK SHE WAS THERE TOO! Taehyung keeps glancing to the bed or something literally with heart eyes. He excused himself then came back with a huge grin on his face HES DEFINITELY IN LOVE PLS THIS IS SO CUTE


Those were the tweets you read after clicking the number one trending hashtag on Twitter, the ship name that the fans have created long before you guys started to even date. Taehyung was still asleep right next to you. You were receiving texts and messages from so many people about whatever is happening on social media. You were honestly so worried for what is about to happen now that Taehyung accidentally exposed the relationship.

You were reading so many tweets on people's opinion about the relationship. Majority were just shocked that the biggest k idols are dating each other but of course there were people that hated it. Saying how it is a stunt to boost kpop or how we both didn't care about our careers to be doing this.

"I'm so sorry"Taehyung said wrapping his arm around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder, tiredly looking at my phone.

"It's bound to happen anytime soon... we can't keep this a secret the whole time... I just don't know if the companies would be too happy about this" you said honestly.

"It doesn't matter. It's out to the world. I love you and I won't let go of this relationship no matter what," he said.

"me too, let's just hope for the best" you said and continued cuddling him.

They were both worried of what their companies would say about the situation. But since you both were Korea's pride, they were scared to touch you two as both of you had the power to make decisions too and would have fans to support your decisions.

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