taehyung : argument

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When he keeps coming home late even though his schedule ended early

It has been two weeks in a row since Taehyung came home after midnight. You were on your phone scrolling through instagram until you see Namjoon's wife posted a story of both of them on a date. They looked so happy. You can't remember the last time you and Taehyung went on a date because he was always busy at the company. You were surprised to see Namjoon out on a date as you thought they had schedule until late at night today which is why Taehyung wasn't home yet but it seems like they didn't have schedule til late.

You decided to text Taehyung again but you received no replies. You then texted Jimin, the one you're closest with among the members besides Tae.

You: Jimin, is Taehyung with you?

Jimin:No? We finished schedule hours ago... Is he not home yet?

You:He's not home.. i'm worried. I thought he would be with you

Jimin: I'll ask in the groupchat and call him too... don't worry too much y/n

you: thanks jimin

Jimin went ahead and asked the groupchat if any of them were with Taehyung but none of them were. He then called Taehyung. Taehyung picked up after awhile.

"Stop calling me" he said weirdly.

"Are you drunk?" Jimin asked.

"I'm not drunk. Im Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." he laughed.

"YAH! Kim Taehyung who are you with? Do you know that Y/N is worried about you? Do you know what time it is right now? She's awake and waiting for you to come home. Go home now"Jimin said, frustrated with his friend.

"I'm with... whats your name again? Chae ? Im with Chae"

"which bar are you at? I'm picking you up right now" Jimin said sternly.

After awhile, you received a text from Jimin.

Jimin: I'm omw to yours with Tae

You: okay thank you

Soon, the door opened and Taehyung walked in a bit sober from the drinks he had.

"Where were you? I have been worried waiting for you... Why didn't you pick up your phone?" you asked.

"please shut up... I'm tired" he said removing his coat and boots.

"Did you drink?"

"Yes I did. And? I didn't ask you to wait for me. If you're tired, just go to sleep" he said walking pass you.

"I waited because I wanted to spend at least some time to talk to my own boyfriend! If I didn't wait, I would have not had a conversation with my own boyfriend for two weeks! Do you know how crazy that sounds?! ALL I wanted is to spend time with you, at least for little bit" you said as you felt tears threatening to fall.

He went silent and just stared at you.

"I'm so disappointed Taehyung. I just wanted to spend some time with you. But I know you have a busy schedule and I understand that but today, you didn't even have a late schedule... but you chose to go to a bar to drink instead of spending time with your girlfriend who you have not spent at least more than 30 minutes with for them past few weeks" you said softly before making your way to the room and shutting the door behind you.

Taehyung knew he messed up. He shouldn't have went to the bar and got drunk with some girl who approached him. He was just stressed out with work. He sighed and sat on the sofa, thinking about what he should do. He wasn't in the right mind either since he was still sobering up.

You got into bed and finally let out your tears that were threatening to fall out the whole time. You were hurt that Taehyung didn't even consider how you felt. You were just hurt at the fact that he would rather spend his time when he was off early from work at a bar instead of being home with you.

After awhile of crying, your eyes felt heavy. You then heard the bedroom door open and footsteps came close to you. You heard Taehyung sigh before he went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once he went out, he got into bed with you and pulled you into his embrace softly.

"I'm really really sorry Y/N... I have failed as a boyfriend. I know I have been super busy with schedule and you have been nothing but understanding towards my situation. and what did i do? Go to a fvcking bar when I didn't have a late schedule. I was honestly just stressed and wanted to take my mind off work with drinks. I'm sorry I didn't take into consideration about how you would've felt. I love you so much, please" he said softly kissing your shoulder.

You turned around and faced him. Your teary eyes came into contact with his teary ones.

"I'm just upset that you chose to go to a bar instead of spending the time with me at home... Do I not make you happy? Am I part of your stress?" you genuinely asked.

"No baby, you do make me happy. You make me the happiest. I- I honestly don't know why I did it. Maybe I just don't want you to see me in my worst state," he said.

"I'll always be with you no matter what. Whether you're in your worst state or the best state, I will always stick with you and help you whenever I can... just please, if you don't have a late schedule, come home and spend time with me. I've missed you..."

"Trust me, i've missed you so much more... I'm really sorry. I will come home as soon as the schedule ends... I'm really sorry baby"

"And don't ever say you have failed as a boyfriend. We're in this together. We're growing together." you said.

"I love you so much... thank you for being so understanding... I don't deserve you" he said snuggling closer to your neck leaving a small peck.

"I love you. You should sleep, it has probably been a long day for you" you said kissing his forehead.

"You sleep too" he said softly before you heard his soft snores.

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