jungkook: harry's show

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when they invited you to harry's show knowing that you were a big fan

"but we have something exciting and important to attend to tonight" Jimin said as the boys were discussing on what they'd be doing today.

"me, yoongi and namjoon will probably stay at the hotel, you youngsters can go have fun" Jin said.

"Wait where are we going tonight?" you asked, lost as you were not informed about any schedule today.

"It's a secret, you should thank Jungkook for this" Taehyung smirked.

Jungkook look at you and smiled adoringly.

"You'll be excited when we tell you when we're on our way there" he reassured you pulling your closer to his embrace.

"Hobi hyung! You're coming along right?" Jimin asked.

"Of course! Can't leave the maknaes out alone" he said.

"what is it...i'm curious now" you pouted.

"we'll let you know when we're on the way there" Taehyung said excitedly.

"But i need to know how to dress, what outfit to where, whether it's suitable, and if"

"Baby, I'll dress you up" Jungkook said chuckling at how excited you are.

"Okay" you gave in knowing that Jungkook could dress you up well so you didn't mind.

"Here, black leather pants, a top, and black leather jacket" Jungkook said as he laid it all down on your bed.

"Are we going to a bar?" you questioned.

"Something like that, but more fun. Do you want to wear heeled boots or just short platformed boots? you'll probably be standing for awhile" he asked.

"hmm" you thought.

"Never mind, i think short platformed boots is the best" he said.

"okay! done!" he said clapping his hand together.

"Thanks babe. This is a cute fit" you said hugging your boyfriend's torso.

"You'll enjoy it I promise" he said kissing your temple.


"Are you excited Y/N?" Jhope asked excitedly.

"Of course!! And I don't even know where I'm going" you chuckled.

"Should we tell her now?"Jimin asked looking at Jungkook.

"We're reaching soon too" Taehyung said.

"okay, let's tell her. Wait, let me record this" Jungkook said taking out his phone.

"I'll help you" Hobi said taking Jungkook's phone.

"So... where are we going?" you asked.

Jungkook smiled excitedly at you.

"So I know how much you love this man , sometimes making me jealous by how much you adore him, but..... i know you love me more, but anyway, I thought since we're in LA.. and he's performing in LA too, we should all go watch him.. so we're on our way to Harry's concert" he said holding your hand squeezing it excitedly.

"Oh my god. Harry? As in Harry Styles" you said excitedly.

"Yes, Harry Styles" Jimin laughed along with the rest.

"Oh my god" you said excitedly.

"We're going to see Harry Styles!!!" Jhope yelled to the camera.

Once you reached the arena, the security led you all to your seats. It was together with the crowd but also separated from the rest somehow.

"Oh my god, i'm so excited" you said as you watched the rest of the fans just enjoying themselves to the music that was playing while they wait for Harry to come on.

"I hope you like it" Jungkook whispered in your ear.

"Are you kidding! I already love it" you said causing him to laugh.

Y'all had to be careful though because fans already noticed them. However, they respected their boundaries and gave them space.

Throughout the whole show, you were dancing and singing along with the boys. Jungkook slipped his hand around you a few times which was a risky move especially when there were fans literally right behind us.

During one of the breaks, we all sat back down.

"Are you enjoying yourself y/n?" Hobi asked.

"Of course" you said excitedly and he laughed excitedly.

"I've never seen you this excited" he laughed causing the rest of the boys to laugh too.

"You're never this excited for me" jungkook pouted.

"I'm always excited for you" you chuckled.

He pulled you closer as soon as the lights dimmed and Harry came out on stage again.

"Careful, there's fans around us" you said looking up at him.

"It's okay, let's just enjoy the show" Jungkook said not caring about whether the fans were looking at them and taking pictures.

You just shook your head and continued watching the show, letting loose and just enjoying the show.

Later that night, everyone talked about how close Jungkook was to the mysterious girl. Most of the fans wanted to believe that you were just a staff to manage them and also some that believed you were a close friend of the boys. They all came into a conclusion that you two were more than friends or colleagues when the fans behind the both of you uploaded a video of you and Jungkook swaying together to Sweet Creature and how Jungkook literally sang Adore You to you. This caused a whole chaos on the internet but Jungkook couldn't care less as he always had wanted to show the whole world the love of his life. Finally, he was able to express his love for her.


user: not jungkook pouting at her!!!!! they're so cute

user; she's a harrie and also has the hottest boyfriend? she's living y/n's life

user: Jungkook looked so happy with her. Let's not make it a big problem. He's happy. She makes him happy. what's the problem here?

user: i love how she's literally enjoying the show so much. Look at how Jungkook looks at her vining


user: who even is she? she's not popular? why is she dating jungkook?

user: she's so pretty even with the mask on. sorry jungkook you might want to keep her close to you i might want her

user: i love how she's so close to the rest of the boys too seems like they have a great bond with each other let's be happy for them

i can't believe the maknae line and hobi went to Harry's concert in LA!?!? Like PLS my two worlds are literally colliding. I love harry and I love bts pls a dream come true. I'm glad they were enjoying their time at the concert and i'm glad too that the fans didn't swarm them! we love to see it!

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