jungkook : paparazzi

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when the news of you both collaborating with each other came out, paparazzi swarmed the company building

"Yah! The fans are going crazy that you two are collaborating with each other" Jin said scrolling through his phone.

"Of course they are, they all ship them both together" Jhope said teasing the both of you.

"Aish.. it's nothing like that" you said chuckling.

You had been friends with the boys for the longest time as you both were trainees together. They debuted the same time as you and ever since then, you all have kept close with each other. You were also the only girl and used to be the maknae of the BigHit Music family so naturally everyone took care of you well.

"We're going to the studio tomorrow right?"Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, for our first recording" you said excitedly.

"Cute" Jungkook mumbled softly.

You were hanging out with them at their dorm since yours was in the same building but different level. All the Big Hit artists stay in the same building but just different levels. The boys had purchased their own individual apartments too but it's buildings near their dorm. After awhile, you decided to head back to your dorm.

the next day
You finished getting ready. You wore a dress that your stylist have laid out for you as you were also going to take pictures for promotion. You put on concealer and lip balm before leaving the dorm to head to the carpark.

Once you reached the carpark, you saw Jungkook waiting outside the SUV, on his phone. When he heard your footsteps, he looked up from his phone.

"Oh great you're here. I was about to text you" he said as he opened the door, letting you get in first.

You got in and was greeted by your PA who was sitting at the back.

"Good pick from Choi unnie" Aera said.

"It looks cute doesn't it?"you said showing off your dress.

"Yeah, perfect for the promo" she replied.

Once everyone got on the SUV, we moved off to the company. My PA then briefed the both of us on our schedule today. We are suppose to get the lyrics done by today and get promotional pictures and videos taken by today too. The recording of the song will be done in a span of 2 days starting from tomorrow.

"Wait why are we not going in the carpark?" Jungkook asked when he noticed we went past the company's carpark.

"Oh yep. Forgot to tell you. The managers want you both to appear as much as possible to the public together. There are a lot of reporters waiting outside the company to get a glimpse of you two for the upcoming collaboration, so you'll have to go in by the main entrance"

"Isn't it unsafe?" Jungkook said, not too happy about the idea.

"It's company's orders" Aera said.

Once the car stopped, the reporters rushed towards the van. The security went out of the SUV first trying to clear the reporters away from the van to create space.

Jungkook went out first then turned around.

"Don't get out now, there are too many paparazzis. I'll get more security to come" Jungkook said.

"And be careful of your dress when you get off"he added.

He closed the door and made his way through the crowd that was bombing him with questions about the collaboration. He pulled down on his bucket hat more, looking down as he was guided by one of the security.

"Y/N, you need to get out WITH Jungkook, not separately!" Aera said.

"But he told me to wait, there are-" you got cut off by the door opening and Aera rushing you out.

Jungkook wasn't even halfway through the crowd and you were forced out of the van.

"Y/N!Y/N!" the reporters said half of them rushing towards you.

Jungkook turned around when he heard them calling for you. He stopped in his tracks and waited for you to push out from the crowd with only Aera trying to create space for you.

"Give space please" Aera said but no one listened.

Jungkook got a bit impatient and walked towards you.

"You walk first" he whispered in your ear.

You nodded and followed the security who was creating space for you. Aera was beside you too trying to get the reporters away from you. Jungkook was behind you following close. As you two almost made it to the entry, Jungkook noticed a middle aged man who had his camera too low for a picture facing your back. Jungkook quickly pushed his camera away causing it to drop.

"Yah!!!!" The man said.

"Don't you dare do that again!" Jungkook said with gritted teeth.

Finally more security came and escorted you both into the building. Once you both were safe in the building and waiting for the elevator, you asked what happened.

"What happened?" you asked noticing the boy in front of you who had his tongue poking the insides of his cheek.

"Why did you get off? It was clearly unsafe" Jungkook asked.

"Aera unnie forced me out," you said.

"Aish.. jinjja. There was a guy who wanted to take an up skirt picture of you. I don't know if he got it but I pushed his camera away" he said.

"What?Really?" you said in disbelief.

"Yes. That is one of the reason why I told you to stay until I get more security to come. Anyone could have done that if they get too close to you." Jungkook said.

"I'm sorry" you dragged.

Later that day, everyone went crazy with the photos of you two taken by the reporters. Luckily, the guy didn't get any upskirt picture of you, or it didn't go public at least, but fans gushed over how protective Jungkook was over you. You couldn't stop thinking about how protective Jungkook was.

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