taehyung : bringing your child along to LA

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when he brings your 2 year old girl along on a flight with you

"Aera baby, can you carry your bag to daddy" you said as you were packing your own hand bag.

"okay mommy" she said walking over to her dad who was passing the bags to Jae, our security and driver.

"Thank you baby" Taehyung said when he sees his little girl carrying her own bag to him.

"Y/N, are you ready?" he called.

"Yeah! Just making sure I have extra stuff for Aera" you said looking through your carryon again.

"bottle, diapers, extra clothes..." you named and then you closed your bag and went out the room.

"Okay, I'm done" you said as you handed over your bag to your husband who had his hand out waiting for you to handover to bag.

"We'll be carrying this with us right?" he asked as he placed the Louis Vuitton bag in the car.

"Yep, all our essentials are in there" you said.

"Okay, c'mon babes, time to put you in the car seat" Taehyung said as he picked up Aera.

You made sure everything was fine before leaving the house. You went in the car as Taehyung buckled Aera in her car seat. He then joined beside you.

"It's going to be a bit noisy later okay, but you'll be fine, just stay close to mommy and daddy" you said to Aera.

"Why?" she asked curiously. 

"Because they want to take a lot of pictures of you" Taehyung said looking over to her.

"But it's okay daddy will protect you" he showed off his boxy smile to her which she replied to by giggling.

"who protect mommy?" she ask.

"I can protect myself" you replied crossing your arms acting like you're throwing a fit.

Taehyung chuckled at you and wrap his arms around you.

"Daddy will protect mommy too" he said kissing your cheek.

Your daughter looked at the both of you and smiled.


"Stay close with me okay?" Taehyung said as we reached the airport.

There were already a lot of paparazzis already waiting for the boys arrival. Luckily, we all arrive almost the same time so we didn't have to wait for the rest. Taehyung left the car first before making his way over to Aera's side to get her out of the seat. You got out of the car too and you could immediately hear the cameras clicking so much. You took the Louis Vuitton carry on and closed the door. Taehyung came to you with Aera in his arms.

"It's okay baby you'll be fine, just smile or hide your face okay?" you talked to your girl who looks nervous.

"Aera! you're so big already!" Jin said making his way over to you guys.

"Uncle Jin!" Aera said cheerfully as she reached out her hand.

The rest of the boys made their way over to Aera as soon as they heard her voice. While we were waiting for manager Sejin to give us the green light to finally walk across the zebra crossing towards the entrance where all the cameras were.

"Okay, we can go now" he said.

The hyungs all walked in front of Taehyung, I was behind him with the maknaes behind me. Aera who was in his arms were looking at the camera but as we got closer their cameras start to flash.

"Aish" You heard Taehyung said in annoyance.

"Aera baby put your head down, don't look at the flash" you said.

Taehyung patted her head so that she rested her head on his shoulder. Your eyebrows furrowed at the amount of people flashing their camera to your daughter and screaming to get all of your attention. Firstly, the airport was pretty lit up why do you need flash and secondly, do they know that there is a literal kid here? why are they screaming?

There were also a few reporters that got to get a close to y'all and they were also being disrespectful. Jungkook noticed that one of the camera man had his camera right up to your face and he helped to block it as a sign to move back. All of you quickly made your way to the private lounge to get away from all the chaos. Your baby girl was already crying due to the loud noises.

When we waited for our turn to show our passports, Taehyung handed Aera over to you as she called for you.

"It's okay baby," you cooed trying to calm her down.

She continued crying in your shoulder as you patted her head with your right hand. Jimin and Jungkook who were behind you also tried to help her calm down by attempting to play with her.


"We're definitely not going out to the public way when we arrive at LA not after this" Taehyung said to their manager who nodded in agreement.

Aera had calmed down in your arms. You were sitting down on the sofa with Aera on your lap with her head resting on your shoulder.

"Are you okay now?" you asked looking down at her.

She nodded but continued to lay her head on your shoulder. You could tell she was still affected by it but definitely better than when she was crying.

"I'm so sorry baby" Taehyung said as he sat down beside the both of you.

"Do you want a hug?" he asked and she nodded lifting her head off your shoulder and put her arms out only to be taken by her dad.

He hugged her tightly kissed her cheek multiple times.

"I'm sorry, it was scary wasn't it?" he asked and she nodded.

"But see, you're okay because you were in daddy's protection! I'm your superman" he said trying to cheer her up.

It worked as she giggled and nodded.

"Daddy is superman" she said flexing her arms just like her dad.

You smiled at their daddy daughter interaction, thankful that you had a husband who was just as lovely as your daughter.

@ btsupdates : Everyone in LA! Please please please respect their privacy. If you want to take pictures, please turn off the flash as it could hurt baby Aera's eyes. She's still very young and it could very harmful for her! Also , avoid screaming as it would scare her off! Please respect them ... we do not want the same thing to happen like in Korea airport

@ ilovekimtaehyung: i'm so disappointed with the korean reporters... i thought they would've been more respectful with a literal child there... please do not flash your cameras to a child and also scream at their faces

@ taehyungieeeee : taehyung seemed so pissed at the media, and Y/N too! Poor Aera was crying from all the noise, it must've been so scary for her :( It's so cute that Jungkook and Jimin were also being protective of her x

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