jungkook : everyone's crush

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when you're a well known soloist that caught the hearts of most of the famous male idols

Background Info:

Jungkook and Y/N have been dating in secret from fans for almost a year. Only their companies and their friends knew about them. During award shows, they don't really have time to spend with each other as they were always watched by the crowd so not many other idols knew about the relationship. Jungkook have always been protective of you as you were very well known too and have many fanboys among the idol groups. Hence, many fans ship you and many male idols that has openly expressed their liking towards you.

Now that the award shows are carried out with safe distancing protocols due to the pandemic, idols spend the whole time at the award show backstage. They were told that camera man will be all around backstage to film reactions of idols for some performances after each performance ends.

Right now, you were already on your way to the venue for the award show. You weren't feeling that well but luckily, you have already prerecorded your performance a few days ago for the award show. You just had to go on stage to accept the awards that you've won. Once you arrive on the red carpet, you were being invited to the small platform for interview and phototaking.

"Look who we have here! Worldstar icon, Y/N!"The interview said cheering as I went up on the platform.

"Annyeonghaseyo" you bowed greeting everyone in the area.

"Annyeong!! We are very excited that you were able to join us this evening! We heard you aren't feeling so well... what happened?" she asked.

"Ah.. yeah, I don't exactly know what happened but don't worry, it's just a sore throat!" you said.

"Ah... you must be singing a lot recently huh... Can you give us any spoilers?" she asked.

"Nope! No spoilers!" You winked to the camera.

"Who are you excited to see today? It's been awhile since idols gather together like this during an award show because we haven't had one in awhile!"

"I'm really excited to see everyone's performances actually... I've met with some of the idols during the prerecording but since it was very short, we didn't get to catch up much! Hopefully I get to spend more time with some of them today!" you said.

"We hope to get the interactions online! All the best for the awards later! Fighting!" she said as you thanked her and took your leave.

You were then escorted backstage after the photographers got pictures of you. You walked down the hallway with rooms that were allocated to the different idol groups. You were sharing a room with BTS since the companies allowed and requested for it. Anyway, it's not like the fans will know which room you were in.

You were following behind your crew as you were chatting with your make up artist, Aera. As they walked into the room, Jennie called you out.

"Y/N!" she said excitedly running towards you.

You both engulfed each other in a tight hug. "Yah!It has been so long! How are you?" she asked.

You both got into a conversation for awhile before one of the staff called for her. She excused herself as I went into the room.

"The princess has arrived!" Jin announced as he playfully bowed 90 degrees towards me.

The rest of the members laughed and bowed along.

"You should be on your knees right now" I joked causing them to laugh.

Jungkook quickly made his way to you and engulfed you in a hug.

"So pretty" he said kissing your cheek.

"Thank you, you look very handsome" you return the compliment.

"How are you feeling?" he asked knowing that you had sore throat.

"Could be better, I'm not suppose to use my voice a lot" you said.

Once the show started, everyone took their seats on the sofa. Since both companies were strict about videotaping, they only allowed the company crews and the show cameraman to go in only when they want us to appear on the tv.

Halfway through the show, one of the staff called you out to head backstage to accept your award. As you made your way backstage, you passed by some of the SM artists.

"Congrats Y/N!" Mark Lee said.

"Thank you" you nodded and quickly walked off as you were rushed to go on stage.

"I would like to thank the producers, my crew, thank you for sticking with me, staying up late with me to work on the songs. I know I can be stubborn when it comes to making songs and I would stay really late in the studio to finish what I want to work on, you guys stayed with me and made sure I was safe and healthy. Thank you for that. And thank you to my precious fans. I love you all so much! This won't be possible without all of you, thank you" you said waving the trophy to the camera.

You made your way backstage and was congratulated by a lot of idols who were hanging around at the hallway.

"Congrats Y/N! Huge fan of your new album" Kai said.

"Thank you!" you replied, you were about to walk away but he continued to talk.

"Did you prerecord your performance yesterday? Didn't see you"

"No, I recorded it on Tuesday. I had a day full of schedule yesterday so it was pushed forward..." you said but your voice became softer.

"Oh are you feeling okay, have my water" he said as he handed me his drink.

"It's okay, I'm good" you politely decline.

"Should we take a picture? My mom and sister is a huge fan of yours. They would be so jealous" he said as he took out his phone.

"Want me to help?" Mark who was hanging near us asked.

I stood beside Kai with my award and smiled to the camera as he pointed to the award with a thumbs up. We did many different poses as he took a lot of pictures. The members then started teasing Kai, making noises as Mark took the pictures.

When you were about to leave, someone tapped your shoulder causing you to turn around. It was one of the staff updating you about the timings of your appearance. You suddenly felt an arm wrap around your waist causing you to turn around.

"Congrats baby" Jungkook said kissing your cheek in front of everyone.

"Thank you" you said turning to him and pecked his lips causing him to blush.

"Yah! Jungkook! You didn't tell me your girlfriend is Y/N!" Jaehyun said.

"Well, now you know" he chuckled.

You shyly waved at him and the 97 liners.

"Annyeong, he talks about his girlfriend a lot but didn't want to expose who it is. He is very lucky" Eunwoo said.

"I am very lucky" Jungkook said, smiling adoringly to you.

"Stop" you whined trying to hide your face that was burning up.

Jungkook got into a conversation with the guys for awhile before following you back to the room.

"Kai seems to be a big fanboy of you" he said pouting.

"But you're my biggest fanboy right?" you said.

"Of course, the biggest and your number one fanboy" he said proudly.

You chuckled at his reply, instantly hugging him and pecking his pouted lips.

"and I only give my attention to my number one fanboy" you smiled cheekily causing him to look down and blush at you, scrunching his nose.

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