jungkook : flight

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when a sasaeng books a seat near the boys during their flight and you were with them

"Make sure you have your passports ready" manager Sejin said to the boys.

Jungkook was sitting next to you in the car. You two have been dating for almost a year without the fans knowing. The fans only knew you as the boys' friends as you had appeared with them on their posts since they usually invite you to hangout with them often. You had been his best friend since you two were literal babies as both your parents were best friends with each other. It took awhile for the both of you to confess to each other as both didn't want to ruin the friendship, but deep down, you two knew that they're your soulmate.

It wasn't your first time traveling with them but it was your first time on a normal flight. Usually, the boys would take their own flights to their destination but since the flight wasn't long and there wasn't any private jets available at this date, they had to take the shared flight but first class.

"There will be other people on the flight but we will try our best to make sure your private space isn't being invaded," he added.

Jungkook held your hand knowing that you were anxious about this things. You hated when fans invade the boys' privacy and it has happened quite often now that they have gained so much popularity. You were protective of the boys of course.

Once the van reached the airport, Jungkook, Suga and Jimin left the van first. After the boys had lined up in a straight row for the paparazzis to take pictures of them before crossing the zebra crossing. You left the van and met with the other crew members. Jungkook turned around to check on you before turning back to the front. You stuck close to Aera, Jungkook's make up artist, as you were the most comfortable with her.

"Y/N-ah, say hi to Jungkook and the boys for me!" a fan said waving at you.

It caught you by surprise as you didn't expect any of the fans to notice you since you were wearing a mask. You just smiled and nodded, mentally hitting yourself for smiling when they can't see it under the mask you're wearing.

Once you arrived at the VIP Lounge, you spotted Jungkook who was in a conversation with sejin. You made your way to the sofa where the boys were sitting at doing their own things. You got into a conversation with Jimin as he was explaining what they're planning to do once they arrive. He was definitely your rant buddy besides Jungkook as you both clicked when Jungkook introduced you as his best friend to the guys. You felt the sofa dip beside you causing you turn around.

"You'll sit next to me on the flight" Jungkook said handing over my boarding pass.

"I'm so tired" you yawned as you leaned your head on the headrest of the sofa.

"I know~~ you woke up so early to get work done" jungkook said resting his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer.

You quickly scanned the lounge to see if there were anyone who knew them at the lounge. Of course you were anxious as Jungkook was not being very cautious.

"It's okay Y/N... you're too anxious babe" Jungkook said after realising how tensed you were.

"I'm just worried someone would take a picture of us... you could literally lose your career" you said looking up at him.

"Baby, I'm at the age where i'm literally allowed to date... If they are truly my fans, they would understand," he said rubbing your back.

You just sighed and nodded shaking the thoughts off from your mind.

"We will all make sure nothing happens to your relationship y/n, you two are meant to be together, everyone can see that" Jimin said assuringly.

"Thanks Jimin" you smiled.

"Okay, we can board the plane now" Sejin said as the crew and airport security got ready to send the boys to board the flight.

Since they were on the first class, they get to board their flight first along with others who has booked first class. This part makes you anxious as you knew there were for sure sasaengs who booked the same flight as the boys.
As expected, you noticed some girls react when they saw the boys but they tried to calm themselves down as they know that the team is strict when it comes to the safety of the boys.

You stuck close to Aera instead of Jungkook, afraid that one of them might expose the both of you. Jungkook keeps turning back to look for you but was rushed by the security that was trying to get them on the plane as quick as possible.

"Yah, I think my seat is near the boys, hopefully I can get some pics" you heard as you walked passed a group of girls.

That didn't help your anxious state at all. Once you were on the plane, you followed Sejin to the direction of the first class seats. You walked past a few people who were already seated that was scanning you up and down.

"Where did you go?" Jungkook pouted as you took a seat beside his.

"I was with Aera... I didn't want people to suspect anything" you said.

"Y/N, don't be so worried... I promise you, nothing will happen to this relationship. I won't let anything go in between us," he said.

"That's not it... I don't want to be the cause of you losing your career or your fans or the hate you will receive. I walked past a few fans who are boarding the plane just now, I heard one of them say that they'll get a seat near you guys and want to get pictures... Isn't that worrying?" you said.

Jungkook took your hands in his. "I don't care... the company will do something to them if they upload anything that invades our privacy... you matter a lot to me, i want to be able to spend time with my love without her being so anxious all the time... trust me y/n, we talked about this. everything is fine" he said pecking your cheeks.

You nodded, letting a sigh out. You decided not to be so anxious and actually let loose and enjoy the time you have with your boyfriend.

"I love you" he said softly causing heat to rush to your cheeks. No matter how many times he said it, you still feel your heart flutter like it's the very first time he confessed his love to you.

"I love you" you smiled, leaning in to give him a peck. He deepened the kiss, smiling as he did so.

"Get some sleep babe, you've been up since really early," Jungkook said as the plane have already took off.

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep" you yawned.

"come, cuddles" he said opening his arms for you to gladly be in.

You smiled softly at him and joined him in his seat. Since it was first class seats, there was plenty of space for the both of you. You laid your head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around your waist. He kissed your forehead multiple times as he felt your breathing slow down.

"Sleep well my baby" he said.

While the both of you were napping, Taehyung noticed a girl sitting near the both of you staring at you two for a little too long. Taehyung walked to your seat to close the little window that gives more privacy. He then went to one of the crew and told them that a fan was sitting near them. The crew took note of it and kept an eye on the people sitting near the boys.

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