jungkook : pregnancy announcement

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when both of you are well known idols and you were away from the public's eyes for a long time

You and Jungkook have been public about the relationship since about a year ago. After dating for almost three years in private, you guys decided to go public as it was getting annoying that you two had to secretly go on dates or go out in secret and all. At the start, fans were all so shocked. It was chaos for a whole week. Majority were excited for this new change in the industry where idols would start to open up more to the fans. There were still some who hated the fact that their favourite idols were dating someone else and not them. It was difficult for you since majority of his fans were females who wanted him to themselves hence you received so much hate when you both started going public.

You managed to survive those few weeks of endless hate comments being thrown out to you for no reason at all with the help of your already husband now. Jungkook had known that he is going to marry you and that you're the one so he was willing to do anything to protect you and to keep you safe from the brutal world. He would always check up on you and when he goes live, he would always express how much he cared about you and how much you cared about him so fans would stop hating. It did help the hate to go down as fans starts to develop their trust for you to take care of Jungkook well. With Jungkook's constant reassurance that he is so happy in the relationship and how well taken care he is, more and more of the fans started to be accepting of you.

You both got married a few months after you both gone public. You only announced it to everyone else only after a month since the wedding had took place. Fans were excited and happy for the both of you. Currently, you were 7 months pregnant with your first child with Jungkook. You have been away from the public's eyes for a very long time. Your fans were all cheering on for you and asking for new songs or comebacks as you had been gone for a long time. Jungkook however still had schedules with his members and was frequently asked about you.

"Jungkook, fans want to know where is your wife? how is she?" the interview asked and he smiled hearing them call you his wife.

"Don't worry everyone. She is very healthy and happy. She's just taking a rest" he smiled to the camera.

Jungkook would always make sure that his schedule would allow him to spend sufficient time with you throughout your pregnancy as he wanted to experience the whole journey with you.  Furthermore, Bang PD was definitely understanding and supported the both of you as much as he could. He was also excited for the baby and gifted lots of presents for the baby who still wasn't out yet which touched your heart.

A week ago, you got tired of staying home and not being able to be out in public as often as you wanted. You and Jungkook had a talk about announcing your pregnancy and he agreed to announce it whenever you're ready and not pressuring you to announce it quickly. Of course, you had to think through it more. You had to think of the safety of you and the baby once the public knows that you're pregnant. You have to be extra careful since you're weaker and you're carrying another person in your body. She is your number one priority. Yes, you two are having a daughter.

You two talked to your agencies about announcing your pregnancy to the public and they all allowed you to do so. They also advised to increase security at home and whenever you are
going out. Jungkook was very stern about security so he made sure his bodyguards will prioritise you before him in any situation.

The next day , you two decided to do a vlive to announce your pregnancy since you'll be able to get live reactions from the fans. You two sat on the sofa as Jungkook set up the phone on the phone stand to angle it so that they would not be able to see the bump.

"Are you ready babe?" he asked looking at you.

"Do i look okay?" you asked as you checked your appearance on your phone.

"Yes baby. Beautiful as ever. Whatever happens, I love you so much. I can't wait for our baby girl to finally be in my arms." he said kissing your lips.

"I love you so much... thank you kookie for taking good care of me" you said.

"Of course. Anything for my two babies" he said kissing your forehead then caressing your clothed tummy.

You were wearing a button up dress that was flowy and very pregnancy clothing like. Jungkook then started the live and waited for people to join. The comments started flooding in, surprised to see you and almost all were saying how much they have missed you.

"안녕 여러분 (hello everyone)" Jungkook started.

"I'm here too you know?" he teased the fans as he realised how almost all of the comments were talking about you.

You chuckled hitting his back lightly as you got closer to the phone to read the comments.

"I'm fine everyone. Thank you so much for asking and all the love. I'm here now" you waved grinning to the camera.

"kiyo" jungkook mumbled as he looked at you talk to the camera.

"You're glowing Y/N! So pretty!" Jungkook read.

"Aish... thank you.." you shyly replied causing Jungkook to chuckle at your shy self.

"Anyway, we started a live together after a long time because we have something we'd like to share to all of you." he looked at you and you nodded nervously.

He took your hand in his.

"I hope all of you would be respectful and happy to what we're about to share soon..." he continued.

"Should we say it together?" he asked turning to you and pulling you closer putting his arm around your shoulder, you nodded.

"1,2,3.. we're having a baby!" you two announced smiling widely.

The comments started flooding with lots of happy emojis and people congratulating us.

"So that is why Y/N has been hiding for 7 months almost 8... she's carrying our first child! We're not going to say if it's a girl or boy but we already know the gender of the baby and i'm really happy either way. I am so excited to finally be a father" Jungkook gushed.

"Should I show them the cute baby bear clothes?!" he asked remembering the cute outfit that you guys bought a few days ago.

He then rushed to the baby's room to take the outfit. As you were left alone, you read the comments and talked more about how you feel.

"The first semester wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I did have morning sickness but it wasn't for the whole semester. It was terrible though" you said remembering how difficult that time was.

"Are you telling them about your morning sickness?" Jungkook asked as he walked back to you and you nodded.

"It was painful to see her go through that almost every morning for like a week. I felt so bad. I wish I could vomit for her" he said.

"Yah! That's kinda disgusting" you said laughing together with him.

He then excitedly showed the baby bear clothing.

"Look how small!!! This is so cute and cuddly. I want wait to cuddle with my baby-" he got cut off by you covering his mouth.

"Yah! We can't tell the gender yet!" you scolded.

"Oh! I forgot" he laughed showing his bunny smile afterwards.

All the fans could see how happy you two were together. They were all excited for the both of you to take a step ahead in your relationship and raise a family together. Indeed, everything felt like a dream come true for the both of you.

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