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Hoseok wakes up in an uncomfortable position as Jania lays on top of him. She's managing to take up most of the bed and still be on him. He looks down at her as he tries to shift from under her.

He's having no luck. He won't be able to move without waking her up. The way she's sleeping, she won't be up for another hour or so. He reaches for his phone and scrolls through Twitter. He isn't as popular there but Jania still is.

He's more Instagram, Facebook. She doesn't even have a Facebook. Just Instagram, Twitter and a Snapchat that she doesn't use. He takes a picture of her sleeping on his chest. She took her bun out last night because it was making her headache worse when she got home. She got sick an hour after being in the bed and threw up everything that she ate. She then cried about it and gave herself a migraine.

Now her hair is poofed all over his naked chest and up on his neck. He smiles at the photo. You can't even tell that she spent majority of the night in tears. There's some puffiness to her face but he doesn't know if it's from the crying or her recent weight gain.

She's been getting real bricked up lately and Hoseok is sure that he isn't the only one noticing. He posts the picture of them to his Instagram story and captions it with the emoji putting its finger to its lips.

He knows that people are going to assume things about them. After the first time he ever posted her on his story, he realized just how much people thought they were a thing. They never payed any mind to it though. They know what they've got going on.

With the recents events and words being said to him, Hoseok has been questioning a lot. He wonders if men question her the way that women question him. He want to know if they assume that they're together and still talk to her anyway.

They tell people all the time that they're not together but it doesn't seem to be having an effect on their assumptions. Not for the women at least. It annoys him that they would disrespect Jania and still have sex with him.

Even though it's backwards to think like that, he can't help it. It's stuck in his head and he can't get it out. So much so that every time a girl brings it up after they've already had sex, he gets frustrated and leaves without saying much of anything.

With the exception of Leah.

He met her at a club about two months ago. Right around the time that he got Jania pregnant. A week and half before they went to Houston. It was supposed to be one night stand and that's it but he met her again at a friend's party when they got back. Jania got into that argument with her mother and stayed with him until she got cleared to move into her place.

On one of those nights, he had sex with Leah again. He had sex with her as many times as he did simply because she was around when he needed release. He has a rule to not double back for a reason. Leah is an example of why. He realized that she's expecting things out of him.

She's expecting him to come back. She's expecting him to stick around. He won't. That's another reason why he was so cool with Jania when they first met. Because she could care less whether he came or went. Eventually their friendship blossomed but even then, she didn't care.

If they stayed the night together, it changed nothing about them the next morning. Hoseok liked that. Leah doesn't understand why he pays so much attention to a woman that doesn't seem to care for him.

None of the other women do.

As Hoseok's mind gets ready to shut off again for sleep, Jania wakes up. He chuckles as she rouses from her sleep. "You have impeccable timing."

She rubs her eyes and sniffles. Hoseok hears the congestion before she's fully awake and knows that she's got a cold. He mentally throws a fit knowing that she's going to complain about it.

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