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14 weeks

"I downloaded a baby app and it says she can open and close her fists and that she's gonna be practicing breathing in the fluid soon." Hoseok says as he sprays down a pair of shoes.

Jania pops a grape into her mouth and watches him over the camera. They're at his mother's house at the moment and he's working in the basement. She can't be down there because of the paints and chemical smells so she's in the living room with fruit, a chocolate milkshake and her crime documentaries.

"It tell you when they gonna start beating my ass, too?" She asks.

Hoseok chuckles as he puts a pair of finished shoes on the rack to dry.

"Yeah. We're not there yet, though. You gotta give it some time, baby. She's still tiny. At least you're not really getting sick anymore."

Jani chews the last piece of cantaloupe and closes the empty container. "Yeah, but I still feel sick sometimes. I just don't puke."

"It'll go away soon. Then you'll get to the stage where you're running me around for food at two in the morning."

Jania scrunches her face. "I wouldn't do that. I be sleep."

Hoseok raises an eyebrow and pokes his lips out. She can't see any of it though, due to his mask and his bangs being on his forehead.

"Speaking of food though, can we go eat soon? I'm hungry." She rubs her stomach and he looks at her.

"Where you want to go?" He asks as he takes his gloves off. He washes his hands, takes his mask off and starts walking up the basement stairs.

"It doesn't matter. I'm just hungry."

He hangs up as he gets to the living room. "What are you in the mood for?"

"Some grilled chicken, ribs... and greens.. cornbread. Oh my god, I want some cornbread." She sits up in the chair suddenly. "You think Yuki'll make it for me? I gotta call her."

"She not home right now. Her and Joon are at his dad's for dinner." Hoseok tells her. Jania groans and puts her head back dramatically.

"But I want iitt."

"It's a soul food place up the street. Their food be good as hell."

"Can we go?" Jania stands up and Hoseok nods as he stretches. He raises his arms above his head and she puts hers around his waist.

"Mhm." He hums as he groans.

She stands on her tippy toes and puckers her lips. He leans down and kisses her. What was intended to be a peck turns into two long pressed kisses on her lips.

Hoseok rubs her butt and squeezes. He pushes his hips into her before detaching.

"Can we stop at the house first?"

"You just want to fuck me before we go eat."

"I do." He admits. "Or at least let me eat you out in the car."

"Hobi! Oh my god." She laughs.

"Please, baby. You look so nice in this yellow sundress." Hoseok rubs her lower back, massaging lightly. "And you're having my baby, Jania. Do you know how happy I am that we're having a baby?"

Jania takes a beat to read his expression. Though she clearly feels the lust, the look in his eyes is warm, not dark. He really does want this life. He is truly ecstatic about this. She has no choice but to reciprocate. His joy is contagious.

Coming to the realization that she really is having a baby, it's scary. Her experience with unplanned pregnancies isn't the best and it wasn't even hers. The idea of having a baby was one that she didn't even want to ponder. What happened with Jin and Paris has warped how she sees having children.

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