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10 weeks, 3 days

10:00 on the dot and I'm locking the doors to Foot Locker. It's been a long day and I'm ready to go home and relax for a couple hours. And by a couple, I mean just that.

Jania is at my apartment, either sleep in my bed or up watching Hulu. Shes been at my house more than her own this week and I'm not complaining. I'd prefer it this way. At least I know she's not getting into bullshit.

I finish up my job at Foot Locker before grabbing my bag and leaving the mall. I gotta stop by Namjoon's house on the way home and pick up this broth that Yuki made for Jania. It's been the only thing that she can really keep down. That and the fruit.

I'm starting to think we should call her doctor about it and see if she can get some anti nausea pills or something. She needs them if she's gonna be sick like this. If she's not getting the right food into her body, then neither is our baby. I need both of them to be healthy.

My phone vibrates in my pocket as I come to a red light and I pull it out.

leah_baby: are you still coming over today?
You said you'd see me more

I forgot about that. The last couple days, I've been focusing on Jania and the nursery. Everything else has been kinda pushed to the side for a minute. Leah included.

Yeah. Gimme a minute

Can you bring me some orange juice?
I can't keep anything else down


I know she's been sick, too. I'm not sure how much since I'm not around her as much as I'm around Jania. But she's been telling me she hasn't been feeling too hot either. A 'duh' symptom but damn.

I stop by Yuki and Joon's house and pick up the broth before going to the store and grabbing a gallon of orange juice. Driving to Leah's house, I stare at the road as I think.

I don't know what the fuck my life is turning into at the moment but I don't like this shit. I would never abandon either one of my kids but fuck. I really cannot express how stressful this shit is. This secret back and forth. This is exactly why I could never be a cheater. This is so annoying.

I prefer they just know I'm fuckin around. There's nothing they can really do about it then. I'm single, they're single. If they're in a sticky situation of their own, even better for me.

I don't have to question whether or not they're gonna act crazy or anything. And they can't really get upset if I'm fuckin other women because they're fucking somebody else too. I don't have anything to worry about. Except this current situation.

Except Jania. She's an exception. A very heavy exception.

Pulling into Leah's driveway, I see that the living room lamp is on. I grab her orange juice, turn my car off and walk up on her porch. Ringing the doorbell, I wait for her to open the door.

My phone buzzes with another notification from Instagram. Another comment on my recent post. It's from three days ago when I took Jania out to another club promo with me. She seemed to enjoy the last one and luckily, she didn't get sick until we got home.

 She seemed to enjoy the last one and luckily, she didn't get sick until we got home

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