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Today's been a great day so far. We finished checking in all of the orders made today, we met the quota for shipping out all orders made last week and I get to go home to mozzarella sticks, steak, Mina and her big head ass momma.

I lock up the warehouse building for the night then get in my car. I plug the aux in and start driving home. On the way there, Jania's dad calls me.


"Hey, Hobi. How you doin?"

"Good. Just gettin off work. How are you?"

"I'm good. Gonna be a whole year older at the beginning of May. That's what I'm calling about. How much you paid to rent out that room for Jania's baby shower. I want to rent something out like that or a place with a little patio or a deck since it's gonna be a little warmer. But I'm trying to figure out how much the price range gonna be for that?"

I bite the inside my his cheek. "Mmm. I can ask Tara if she knows any places that we can spaces like that for events. She's probably done some or something similar for other parties she's planned."

"Oh, yeah yeah. Tara is your homeboy's sister, right? She was running the games with Yuki?"

"Yeah, that's her."

"She's a party planner? How much time in advance she need for notice. Maybe I'll have her get the whole thing together like she did Jania's. She did real nice with that."

"I'm not sure but your birthday on the eighth, right? We got like three weeks for that. I can ask her and see what she got booked, if anything."

"Alright. Aye, wait. While we on the topic, Jania called me earlier. I asked her what y'all did for your birthday and she said you guys didn't have time to go out or anything."

I nods and sigh. I forgot about my birthday to be honest. My friends and family sent me texts and called him. I've just been way too busy and much too tired to think about celebrating it.

"I've been busy with work. And Jania and I have both been tired because of Mina. She wanted to do something for me but I didn't have the time so she let it go. It's not that big of a deal for me. I got my birthday gift already."

"You still should celebrate. How about I take the kids this weekend and you, Jania, Yuki and them go out and do something?"

"You want Minjoon, London and Mina by yourself? You sure about that?" I asks, a hint of joking in my tone.

"I can handle it. I ain't too old, now. I got this." Mr. Anderson laughs as he talks. I smile hearing him. It's good to hear him laughing and knowing that he's smiling through everything that's been going on.

"I'll let you think on it for another 24 hours. And then I'll call you Friday morning before I go to work."

"I'm still gonna take them but alright. Call me Friday."

"Alright." I hang up as I pull into my driveway. Jania's car is parked there and it fills me with a wild sense of joy to see it in that spot.

I gets into the house and find Jania at the counter, eating a bowl of grapes and placing my wrapped food in the microwave. At the sound of the door opening and closing, she turns to me.

"Oh, you're home. I was just about our your plate up. How was work?"

"It was great. We got a lot done. It feels weird to be an official CEO of a business and starting to have to act like one." I take my shoes and jacket off and asks into the kitchen to wash my hands.

"I'm so proud of you, though. Seeing how far you've come just in the time I've known you is a lot." Jania tells me earnestly. "I can only imagine how your parents and best friends feel having watched you grow the whole time."

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