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16 weeks, 4 days

8:30 and I'm sitting in Leah's driveway.

I'm supposed to pick Jania up at nine and I don't know if I'm going to make it on time. There's so much shit going on right now. I need a fucking vacation. No business calls, no woman related drama, no bitter bullshit.

Just me, nice weather and Jania.

Maybe I'll ask her if she wants to go out of town for Christmas. I'll surprise her with some tickets to somewhere we haven't gone together yet as a gift.

The front door to Leah's house opens and I turn my car off and get out. As I walk up the stairs, she steps out of the way for me to come in.

She DMed me while I was out doing deliveries and said that she was in the E.R. She said that she passed out and woke up on her side so she wasn't sure exactly how she fell or if anything was wrong with the babies. I asked her what hospital she was at and she said that she didn't need me to come up there. They were just giving her fluids and then she was going home. She asked me if I could come see her later though and I felt bad so I told her yeah.

I just finished doing my last delivery ten minutes ago so I figured that I'd stop by before I go pick Jania up from work. She's been texting me saying that she can't wait to go home and that she's tired. I already know she's gonna take up half the bed and still want me skin to skin with her while she's knocked out and almost snoring.

I sit on Leah's couch and look at her. "How you feeling?"

"Fine. My mom keeping my son for the night since she want me to rest. I told her I asked you to come over."

I nod slowly as I look at my bracelet. Jania's initials dangle from it, reminding me of the lies I tell just to be here. This shit is becoming so draining.


"What?" I whip my head to her as she sits on the couch.

"What?" She looks at me like she didn't say what she just said. Like she said nothing wrong at all.

"You told your mom about me?"

"Yeah...? Why wouldn't I? I'm pregnant. I'm sure your other baby mom told her mom."

Wrong, but that's not her business.

"That's different. Why are you telling your mother about me and we haven't confirmed anything yet? Now if she goes telling other people, then what? This shit is gonna be embarrassing as fuck for you if I'm not your baby daddy. Then people are gonna know that you don't know who your baby daddy is."

Leah rolls her eyes and looks away from me. "Okay? And that's my problem to deal with them. The fuck."

Aannnddd she's pissing me the fuck off already. My phone vibrates and I look at it. Perfect timing for Jania. I don't want to be here anymore. I'm just gonna...

"Alright. I gotta go. I just came to check on you and make sure you were okay." I say as I stand up from the couch.

"You're leaving? You literally just got here." Leah stands up too.

"Yeah. But I gotta go pick Jah up from work."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do." I hold up my phone sarcastically to show the time and the text notification from her.

It's nine o'clock on the dot and I've pushed staying here as far as I could. I can easily tell Jania I'm running a few minutes late right now.

Leah snatches my phone out my hand and I reach for it. She puts it behind her back and backs herself into the front door.

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