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21 weeks, 6 days

It's 11:45 when Seokjin is knocking on Jania's front door. She's sipping water through her straw to keep herself hydrated as she cleans around the house a little bit. All she really had to do was tidy up the living room so that London can't get into anything.

She opens the front door and gasps dramatically when she sees her niece. London squeals and reaches for her, practically jumping out of her father's hands.

"Whoa. Okay, relax. You're going, you're going."

Jania takes her niece from Seokjin and kisses her face. "Hello, London. How are you?"

She starts babbling and Jania nods and hums as she listens. "Good, good. I know. You're just talking up a storm, huh? Are you hungry? Did you eat?"

"She had a half a bottle and some orange slices about an hour ago. She's probably going to be ready to eat again when you guys go out."

"Oh, good. We can get you nice and full before we go get our nails and toes done. Then you'll be ready to fall out by the time we get back."

"That's probably a great idea, actually. She hasn't been wanting to go to her mother's very easily lately. I don't know what's going on with that. If she's sleep, it might be easy to get her over."

"Oh, is she supposed to go tonight? I can give her a bath and make sure she's nice and tired before you come pick her up." Jania holds her niece close and smiles at her.

London smiles and drools onto her shirt.

"Eewww London. I really like this shirt."

It's a simple black t shirt of spandex and cotton material. It's soft, breathable and very stretchy. It feels nice against the skin of her pregnant belly. The material doesn't irritate it at all.

She's also wearing dark grey Nike sweats that hug her thighs and hips in a comfortable way. Her black sneakers are waiting by the door for when she she's ready to leave.

Seokjin looks down at the spot that London got slob on. It's on the top of her belly giving him a glimpse of it. She's rounding out more and more each week and he won't lie. Pregnancy looks good on her no matter how sudden of an event that it is.

She looks really good.

Seokjin clears his throat and rubs his hands together before his mind begins to wander to less innocent thoughts. "You don't have to bathe her. Being out all day should be enough to tire her out. I'll be back to pick her up around 5:30, 6 ish. Dinner is at 7 over there so, y'know."

"Yeah I know. We should be back by then. If we're not, I'll text you so that you can meet us wherever we are to pick her up."

"Alright. Sounds like a plan." He kisses London's cheeks and she leans into her aunt. "I'm gonna put her seat and stroller into your car then I'll see you later, Jani."

"Okay. Thank you. See you later."

Jania waves London's little hand as he walks to his car before closing the door. She turns and walks into the living room, setting London the floor to play.

She goes to the freezer and grabs the cool pack out. She sets it inside of the diaper bag with a go-gurt and some fruit. Jania also checks to make sure that everything is in there that London will need for the day.

When she goes through her mental list and everything is checked off, she grabs the bag, her purse and London and heads out. The first place that they stop is a restaurant for brunch.

They eat fruit that Jania has to cut up into much smaller pieces for London to eat it. They also get some pancakes and split those. London eats a half one but mostly the sausage and eggs.

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